Systems Science (Portland State University)
Background: I completed my MA in Speech-Language Pathology in 2008, and began my professional career as the Assistive Technology Services Coordinator for the ALS Association Oregon & SW Washington Chapter. In that position, I met several people with ALS who were not well served by existing AAC and computer access methods, including some individuals with total locked-in syndrome. In 2012, I joined Melanie Fried-Oken’s REKNEW research lab at Oregon Health & Science University and began working on innovative AAC developments, particularly the use of brain-computer interface (BCI) as an access method. I have also worked part-time as an AAC specialist for the VA Portland Health Care System.
Current interests: I am pursuing my PhD in systems science, and am interested in applying systems thinking to AAC technology and service delivery models. Systems science includes an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and communication, which I hope will help me work effectively in the future with engineers, software developers, and others from a variety of professional backgrounds. I am particularly interested in exploring new signal acquisition methods and user interfaces that may open up AAC access to individuals with severe motor impairment who are unable to reliably use existing technologies.
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Wayne Wakeland
Sample Presentation/Publication: Peters, B., Higger, M., Quivira, F., Bedrick, S., Dudy, S., Eddy, B., … & Erdogmus, D. (2018). Effects of simulated visual acuity and ocular motility impairments on SSVEP brain-computer interface performance: an experiment with Shuffle Speller. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 5(2-3), 58-72.
Additional information:
Presentation Topic: Beyond eye gaze: Alternative access for adults with severe speech and physical impairments