Africa Sahel belt region faces ‘desperate food crisis’

The article discussed about food crisis in the Africa Sahel belt region, and how UN had to do to help the people relief from the current situation. Sahel belt is a semi-arid are stretching from the Atlantic east to the Red sea, included Sudan and Central African Republic. This article was posted on BBC world news on 3 February 2014. This article was important because it’s concerned life of many people in the area of Sahel Belt that faced food crisis and the survival of African Sahel belt region people. In the article, the author used “poor”, “vulnerable”, and “desperate” as the main keywords to described people and situation in the area. The author used a photo of woman in the grief and hopeless mood to develop the idea of the article and to describe the keyword “desperate”. The main article has a tone of how poor the region is and UN was the savior of the region (but now seem getting worse that it cannot help the region as much as it was). After I read the article I was convinced to get the idea of how the area government has no efficiency to maintain their people life, and others have to help their population instead. This is the idea of “White man burden” that was used by the “western world” to conquer countries that aren’t “civilized” in their vision, and it’s the stereotype concept. It can be said that the author used stereotype idea about how the region was so uncivilized and not well-organized and it’s the same idea that I got after I read this article. The source of this article is BBC. It directly impacts how the article tone is. Because BBC bases on the United Kingdom that has wealthy and well-organized system. When it came to African region, the author just had no idea of how the actual social and culture were and assumed that poor and undernourished was caused by an uncivilized and bad organized government. The author intend to described how the region was uncivilized even more by then using an armed man photo to describe the region as unstable place and dangerous, or to describe a keyword the author used before, that is “vulnerable”. My personal thought of this article about the food crisis in African Sahel belt region is author from BBC should understand more about the African situation and culture, like what it’s the real cause of the undernourished problem and how western world or the other countries should do to help this region out, not just writing and trying to be a savior of the region by giving money or foods to the people in the region but not doing anything more to solve the problem with sustainable solutions. I think this article should write about the idea of how the government should do to help their people out from the current situation with real and great motivation words and stop writing about African region as a desperate place. After great money, food, idea, and motivation support, not just the Sahel belt region, but also the entire 3rd world countries, every places would not have this kind of problems, the loop problems that will never end.


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