Come Visit Algeria

When thinking of a place to go and visit one might think of Italy, Greece or maybe one of the many islands of the Caribbean. But why not reconsider a place that is cheaper, more off the beaten path of a Westerner, and also has a very similar appeal? Originally established as Algeria’s main port and trading post, Algiers has beautifully clear beaches to visit. beach

The north of Algeria is located in the Mediterranean Sea between Tunisia and Morocco. The capital city of Algeria-Algeria is something truly wondrous to behold and any tourist considering a locale like Venice might want to reconsider. Located along a bay of the sea it is quite Africa’s counterpart to that famous Italian city.

Algiers is located in this Mediterranean part of the country. Boasting a population of almost three million, it is Algeria’s biggest city as well as its capital.

The winters are mild and rainy  (sometimes as much as 1000 mm or rain falls) while the summers are somewhat arid but humid toward the end. So if you are visiting anywhere from the Northern United States, any month of the year would be suitable for a visit to Algeria.

We recommend you visit in July or right before, as it is nice and warm (averaging in the 70s Farenheit). Afterward it can be rather humid.

While in town, you can visit Algiers’ oldest mosque, its Grand Mosque, which some say dates back to the 1000’s or even one of its many vineyards. Like much of Europe the exchange of dry and moist air makes Algiers ideal for growing wine and citrus fruit.  You can go wine tasting, feast on local produce  and then afterward catch a nice tan on the beach.

While you are there you must check out the Casbah. It is an urban area built hundreds of feet above sea level salvaged by ruins of an ancient empire. This is the oldest part of the ancient city, and contains many beautiful old mosques and churches of antiquity.

casbah algiers

The “Bab El Oued”  area of the city is also a popular destination. It extends out from the Casbah to near the gate of the river. There are the famous three clocks here and many shops.

Some of the more modern buildings are built right along the sea. Here visitors can enjoy a casino, town hall and the Governor’s Palace.

So this summer travel to somewhere different. Somewhere interesting. Somewhere your friends will not have already visited. Visit somewhere Mediterranean.


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