Explore wildlife and wonderful nature in Kenya!

Wondering what to do this break?  How about climb the second highest peak in Africa, enjoy your time at the beach, engage in wildlife at national parks, and experience international traditions. You can experience all these at once, only in Kenya.  With its diverse geography, Kenya has everything you need. Located in east Africa, it has a coastline on the Indian Ocean with lowlands rising towards highlands, along with plateaus and valleys. Grab your tickets with us now and you will not be disappointed.

Depending on location, Kenya’s climate varies from chilly in the highlands to warm, and tropical along the coastline. The temperature ranges from 19 Celsius to 24 Celsius all year round with long rain and short rain seasons. The long rain season starts in April and ends in June, while the short rain seasons starts in November and ends in December.


Do you want to see wild dolphins and snorkel in the beautiful marine park? Malindi offers variety of marine sports as well as beautiful coral reefs, clean water, and colorful fish waiting for you to dive in. Lying just south of the equator, the sunshine and all year round tropical climate attracts tourists from all over the world to this amazing beach.


How about time travel back 700 years ago to one of Kenya’s oldest towns in Swahili. The ocean waves and simplicity in Lamu town will magically blow your stress away in seconds.  This hidden gem is on the seafront along the coastal of east Africa. You can go explore several islands and alleyways or even try riding donkeys, the main transportation in town.


If you are more like a wildlife person, you cannot miss out the Masai Mara Premier National Park. It is one of the top highlights of Kenya. With other various species of wild animals, you can witness the Big 5 animals here at once. These include the African elephant, rhino, leopard, lion, and buffalo.  Come and watch the great migration of millions of wild animals from July to October.

Another breathtaking landscape is lake Turkana, the largest permanent desert lake in the world. Not only it is a popular tourist destination, it holds a rich history of humankind due to the abundance of hominid fossils and also a home to Nile crocodiles. The fact that it is located in the Kenyan Rift Valley brings cool air to the lake making it glistens and changes color stunningly.

mount-kenya-top turkanas

Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain in Africa. Located north east of the capital, Nairobi It was covered in ice cap for thousands of years before eroding to form the shape of the peaks they are today.  The top 3 peaks are Batian, Nelion and Lenana with the height of 5,200m, 5,188m, and 4,985m respectively.  Although Batian and Nelion are challenging for climbers, Lenana offers the easiest route where majority of tourists climb this peak. You can enjoy the fauna and flora along the way as well.

Kenya can get really cold at night so don’t forget to pack some warm clothing. We are looking forward to travel this amazing journey with you!


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