Liberia Is Where You Want To Go!

Are you looking to explore another part of the world on your next vacation? How about Liberia in Western Africa! Liberia is a beautiful country filled with rich heritage and indescribable scenery. If you’re looking to explore yet not get too far outside of your comfort zone, the official language of Liberia is English meaning you can get an adventurous experience without having to fumble with dictionaries and translation books. Now that I’ve sold you on the familiar and relatable possibilities that await you in Liberia, lets take a look at what this luscious country has to offer!

Liberia borders the North Atlantic Ocean meaning that not only will you have the opportunity to take in beautiful sunsets, sandy shores and brilliant beaches on a regular basis, you might also be tempted to explore the habitats of natural oceanic wildlife! Since a lot of Liberia borders this ocean, it leads to some very pleasant and unique climate characteristics. On average, there is a very tropical atmosphere that exists in Liberia with the air being humid and hot. If you happen to spend your time on the coast, this heat will be much more bearable due to a constant breeze blowing from the ocean making life very enjoyable. The mild winters that consist of warm days and cool nights are a nice change of pace from the common snowy and fridge winter season that can be experienced in many parts of the United States. During the summer months, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a wet and tropical summer with cloudy skies and at times frequent and exhilarating rainfall. The average temperature is between 81 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about as perfect weather as you will get on a relaxing vacation anywhere!

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Next stop on the virtual tour of Liberia is the gorgeous landscape; one that is hard to be rivaled! Liberia is mostly flat, wet, land with the occasional rolling hills and mountains that provide small outlooks over the country. If you have the opportunity, hiking through this unique terrain is sure to be a treat for the whole family or a single traveler looking to explore these different types of land all in one place. What really makes Liberia unique is the fact that most of its flat land or “lowland” is rare to the rest of Africa. Much of the rest of the continent raises a lot further above sea level. If you’re looking for a more structured view of what Liberia has to offer through its vast terrain and wildlife, numerous national parks exist in which you have the ability to experience this tropical land on your own time and on the parts that interest you most.

If this hasn’t made you want to buy the first plane ticket to Liberia, I don’t know what will! From rolling, breezy beaches to flat tropical terrain to low rise mountains, Liberia has a wide range of adventurous destinations that make the other side of the world seem a lot more diverse and exquisite than ever thought before. It might be time to let this magnificent country and all it has to offer, speak for itself.

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Images: Google Images

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