Africa and America Colonial Period

As interest about Africa grows in the late 18th century, explorers and missionaries settled in Africa in hope to spread religion and learn more about Africa. There were land expeditions and movements to abolish slavery and they did be able to abolish slavery the 1807. However, the abolition doesn’t stop oppression and racism towards black people. Also, the shift from slave trade to raw materials trade caused a huge change in the economy and industries. Similarly, the colonization period of US history also focuses on trade and caused oppression to the native inhabitants.

First we will start off with Colonial Africa. As we all know, the British colonized all African countries except Liberia and Ethiopia and they were ruled under either British or French system as well as other European systems. The British found out that the most efficient government system to earn revenue was to let tribal authorities lead their own subjects.


Under European colonization, Africa became more developed through construction and got more involved in the world economy, trading crops and mining goods. Although, colonization brought a lot of improvement to Africa, Africans were taken away their land and power, which is one of the disadvantages of the colonization.


For the American colonial period, the first successful English colonization of US history started in 1607, when the British settled in James town, Virginia in hoping to get rich. The leader of the colonization, however dislike farming, causing half of the colonists to die out of starvation. Replacements were assigned but most died after winter of 1610, reducing the number of colonists to a little more than 60. In 1619, twelve years after the founding of James town, the first shipment of African slaves arrived in Virginia. However, tobacco became a dominant trade item and by 1624 Virginia produced more than 200 pounds of tobacco per year. The growing industry played a huge role in shaping the social hierarchy, because at that time, ¾ of the people who came to Virginia were servants, making the population consists of few high-class citizens and a lot of low-class citizens.


Starting the 17th century, settlers came to New England to escape the religious norms. They were the puritans and pilgrims. However, they didn’t prepare enough supplies and half of them died in the first winter. Some of them survived with the help from Native Americans.


Following the New England colony was the Massachusetts Bay colony started in 1629 by London merchants in hoping to make money. Since the merchants were serious about their business, the board of directors relocated themselves to Massachusetts creating a much more organized self-government and social unity. The first slaves were recorded to arrive in Massachusetts in the 1640s.


The colonists maintained a trade relationship with the Native Americans, in which they exchange guns and weapons for fur and food. However, as the need for fur grew, Indians started to neglect their crops and some fight with each other to acquired the resources they need. Conflict arises as time goes by and the relationship began to deteriorate when the English started to steal Indians’ crops.


The first similarity between African and American colonial period is they were targeted for raw materials such as gold and crops. The Europeans were attracted to the raw materials and land available. So they thought that coming to America and Africa would increase their profit, which was true. The second similarity is Europeans colonized them both. European countries were interested in new countries, ways to expand their territory and to spread religious beliefs. Lastly, the native inhabitants got oppressed for the colonists’ personal gain, such as the slave trade and the destructive relationship between the settlers and the Native Americans.


The difference is probably how the colonial period in America was more brutal. Native Americans were killed and forced to get out of their homeland. Moreover, they were robbed and women were raped and killed. Before the abolishment of slave trade in Africa, many Africans were killed and oppressed. However, during the colonial period, it lessened because slave trade was no longer the dominant business.


I find this assignment very challenging because I’m not American, which means I didn’t learn as much U.S. history as most people. I had to research all about US history of colonization and try to compare to Africa’s. It was a great opportunity to learn discover more truths more world history.

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