Angola, a country of numerous kinds of beauty

If we’re going to talk about beauty I can easily talk about Angola! This is a country filled with beauty from top to bottom in many diverse aspects. Angola is the 22nd biggest country in the world so get ready for a big “package” full of beauty represented in many forms.

Luanda angola
-Luanda, capital of Angola

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-Angola beautiful landscapes

The easiest form of beauty to talk about is perhaps natural beauty, and Angola is very rich in that. Angola is filled of beautiful sights and landscapes. We can go from beautiful clear and blue water beaches all over the 1600 km of seashore to stunning arid desert to humongous rocky formations to wild and green jungles and so on. You could enjoy the hot tropical in the islands of Mussulo, at the beautiful beaches of Sumbe or Benguela and of Namibe where the desert meets the ocean. You can also visit extremely amazing rocky formation s like the ones in the Huambo and Bie provinces or the incredible Tundavala and Fenda do Bimbe and observe wildlife while exploring tropical jungles.

images benguela-11 images (1) -Angola beautiful beaches

Besides all the natural beauty, you can find in those beautiful environments a big diversity of animals and plants. You can find from marine to desert wildlife and some very special species that can only be found in Angola like the “palanca negra gigante” and “welwitschia mirabilis” (this one can also by found in Namibia, south of Angola). There’s also many national parks to observe the nature like the “Quicama National Park, Iona National Park, Cangandala National Park, Cameia National Park, Mupa National Park and Bicauri National Park”.

palanca-negra-gigante   SONY DSC
-Palanca Negra Gigante                                    -Welwitschia Mirabilis

In addiction Angola has a very rich soil what can also be beautiful as it puts Angola in the top 10 producers of diamonds in the world and top 20 producers of oil. Besides Oil and diamonds Angola also produces copper, manganese, gold, phosphates, granite, marble, uranium, quartz, lead, zinc, wolfram, tin, fluorite, sulfur, feldspar, silver, kaolin, mica, asphalt, gypsum, and talc. That makes Angola a very blessed country and that helps the economy a lot!

blood diamonds   oil

Angola has also been blessed with another kind of beauty that is in my opinion the most important, the beauty of an incredible people! Not only there’s a lot of beauty in terms of appearance in the population but also other kinds of beauty as the beauty of courage, persistence, bravery, sympathy, happiness and perseverance. After all the Angolan people handled 13 years of war (from 1961 to 1974) to become independent and then 26 more years of civil war (from 1975 to 2002), being at peace now for only 12 years!! The long period of war really devastated the country but its people were brave enough to face it and go through it, courageous enough to stand tall until better days, and after all of that they show their perseverance until the present days as they try to rebuilt and find prosperity to the country! They are doing a pretty good jog as after so many years of war and only 12 of peace since the 60s Angola already has the fourth biggest economy in Africa and in the first decade of the 21st century Angola’s economy grew more than any other in the world with a growth rate of 11,1%!! This shows how hard the Angolan people has fought and is still fighting to bring prosperity to the country, and even tough there are still a lot of issues in the country to be solve but Angola’s people happiness, sympathy and ability to look to the brighter side of the situations allows them to be smiley, happy, welcoming and cozy. Besides all of that Angolan people love to dance, party, hang out, smile and laugh. All those qualities in a population that suffered so much is in my opinion the most beautiful part of a country full of beauties of all kinds!

All of that really makes me believe that this beautiful country will continue to rise and develop to find prosperity. They already have been through the toughest tests, being at war for so long, loosing loved ones, watching their country being devastated by so many years of war after centuries of colonization and slavery. So, with their bright attitude towards things, even tough there are still many issues to be resolved and improved, I really believe they will find their way to prosper and make this already beautiful and blessed country better!

Fenda do Bimbe (Humpata, Lubango, Huíla, Angola) angola_photo

kalandula-falls-angola-26074-1680x1050 angola-large
-some of Angola’s breathtaking landscapes

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