Author Archives: Pantita Saithip

Morocco : Land of Beauty


Morocco, located in Northern Africa, is one of the prettiest and most desire vacation destination in Africa continent. Due to its diversity of the country’s geography, tourists could find almost all kind of activity in this beautiful place, from hiking on the snowy mountain to riding a camel in Sahara desert. The variety of many activities offers in Morocco makes the country’s economy hugely relies on tourism. Morocco is surrounded by two main water bodies; Atlantic Ocean on the west side and Mediterranean Sea on the north separating Morocco and Europe. It is bordered by Spain to the north, Algeria to the east, and Western Sahara to the south. Morocco is very special in geographical way in the way that it is one of the only three countries, apart from Spain and France, which has both surrounded by Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. With various kind of the country’s geography, tourism is very popular in Morocco.


                Main tourist in Morocco hugely center on the country’s coast, cultural area, and historic place. King Mohammed VI created and introduced the Plan Azur to Morocco’s tourist industry. The Plan Azur itself is supposedly made to internationalize Morocco and attract more of international visitors from Europe since Morocco is located in North Africa, the closet country to European continent. The major plan is to create five coastal resorts on the Atlantic coast and one on the Mediterranean in order to build in total of six coastal resorts for holiday-home owners and tourists. Other than building additional coastal resorts, the Plan Azur also involve many more large-scale development projects in Morocco such as renovating and modernizing local airports to attract more airline coming into the areas. In addition to renovating local airport, the plan also features building new train and road links.


Big tourist attractions in Morocco include the Atlas Mountains, Sand Dunes, Malabata Coast, Bou Inania Madrasa, Old Defense Walls of Essaouira, Swany Water Reserve, Ifrane, Kasbah, and Beaches. Attractions and interesting locations in Atlas Mountain area in Morocco is in the High Atlas region, which located in middle Morocco. Atlas Mountains have so many rivers and canyons along with breath-taking views of the mountains. The summit of the mountains usually cover with snow; making the mountain scene very beautiful and famous for hiking. Also at the bottom of the mountain, there is also a Kabash or a castle still in use, named Ait Benhaddou.


Erg Chebbi is one of Morocco’s two Saharan ergs, large seas of dunes formed by wind-blown sand. Famous location in Merzouga, the regional tourist center, is located near the edge of the dunes. Around the area of Merzouga, there are many companies offering camel riding tour, taking tourists on walks with camel for overnight trips deep into the desert. Camel riding is another activity, which attracts tourists into the desert area of Morocco; it is also another fun activity which all of family member could participate in. Another reason why Erg Chebbi is a desired destination for tourist because during the warmest time of the year, many Moroccans will come to Erg Chebbi to be buried neck-deep in the hot sand for a few minutes as a time. They believe that such action is a treatment of rheumatism.


Tangier is a major city in northern Morocco. Its location is on the North African coast at the western entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar where the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meets off at Cape Spartel. Tangier is one of the locations that have been included in Plan Azur. The developing projects in Tangier include many new tourist projects along the bay, a modern business district in town, a renovated airport terminal, along with a new football stadium.

Ali Alouzna: The journalist who questions the king

Ali Anouzia is a Moroccan independent journalist. He became famous in Morocco due to his articles criticizing the King of Morocco, King Mohammed VI’s rule. Anouzia has been the editor-in-chief of the online media platform Lakome since December 2010. Lakome is a website that became very famous and notable for the revelation of the king’s scandal in the Daniel scandal in which King Mohammed VI was found to have pardoned, as a gesture “demonstrating good relations between him and King Juan Carlos of Spain” a Spanish serial child rapist sentenced to thirty years in Morocco but he only spent a short time of a year and a half.

King Mohammed VI is the current King of Morocco. He inherits the throne after his father, King Hassan II, passed away in July of 1999. The royal family of Morocco involves in many scandals and topics that make the citizen build up skeptical feeling toward the royal family. Main income in Morocco comes from tourism and business, which these two shouldn’t be controlled by the government however, royal family does involve in business and it becomes famous topic in Morocco. Although royal involvement in business is a major topic in society, discussing the topic in public is very sensitive in Morocco and the people have to be careful about doing so. Nevertheless its sensitiveness of discussion, the US embassy in Rabat, Morocco reported to Washington that corruption is frequently and more like typical thing to be found in all levels of Moroccan society. Corruption, by all accounts, reaches the highest levels in Morocco, where the business interests of Mohammed VI and some of his advisors influence almost every huge housing project in Morocco.

The involvement of the king and his relatives reduces people’s trust in the monarchy system and brings up many up rising against the King’s rule. Ali Anouzla uses his writing skill for gaining his support for criticizing the king. He published an editorial named “the cost of the monarchy.” The Cost of The Monarchy talks about the budget of Morocco’s palace, arguing about how huge and extravagant it is comparing to other places in richer countries in Europe such as Britain, France, and Spain. Furthermore Anouzla’s attack to the king, Anouzla also points out the periodically absence of the king. He suggests that King Mohammed VI frequently takes long vacations and always uses lots of money for each vacation. The long absence of the king leads to the country of Morocco facing the political instability for several months. Other than the editorial “The Cost of The Monarchy,” Anouzla also published an article on about a video entitled “Morocco, the kingdom of corruption and despotism.” This video directly attack against the king and soon after the release of the video, Ali Anouzla was arrested. Many people believe that the real reason behind the arrest of Anouzla was revenge.

The king’s untrustworthy actions, Anouzla’s publishes and also influences of other Arab countries’ uprisings lead the people of Morocco to start an uprising against the king, demanding him to change. These protests were organized and supported by the 20 February Movement struggling and asking the king for freedom, democracy, human rights and the end of corruption and povery in Morocco.

History of colonization in Africa and the United States

Looking back into the past before the United States is “the United States” and before countries in Africa are now separated countries like in the present, they were ruled under the power of European countries. If we study the history of Europe, we will find out that European countries used to be very powerful and strong nations. The big four nations, England, France, Spain, and the Netherlands, were all racing on the colonial expansion and sometimes they even fought over lands. The targeted continents of the powerful countries were North America and Africa.

Before World War I period (which is around 1914-1918) most parts of Africa is colonized by two main nations, France and Britain. These two powers alone ruled around two third of the whole continent, those times were since 1800s. The lands in Africa were previously divided to the power nations at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 when all the European powers met and partitioned Africa, accepting each other’s share of the continent. The main purpose of the conference was to make an agreement on imperialism and boundaries to prevent any future conflict between European powers dealing with colonization. According to Ali Mazrui (and his study on the African history), he suggested that there were three main reasons why Europeans were so interested in Africa and decided to travel there for the explorations of the continent. The first reason was associated with the need of new knowledge. With the strive of learning and exploring the unknown places, Africa was the great destination for the explorers since back in time it was referred as the “Dark Continent” due to its mysteries and its distance from Europe. The second reason was racism. Referring to the Christian doctrine, it stated that the Christian followers should spread the belief in the gospel to others and try to convert other people to become Christians. Since most of African people follow their own traditional believes, Europeans felt the need to teach and convert the native people to Christianity. The third reason was mainly influenced by imperialism, the desire of European patriots to contribute to their countries by claiming lands on other countries.

Main reason for Europeans to sail to Africa is not only to discover new lands but also to look for places to trade. However, the most beneficial and popular trade was slave trade. Many Africans were traded, sailed to Europe, and lost their lives along the way there. Slaves that survived the travel had to suffer from brutal punishment from the white people; sometimes the causes of punishment were unknown or unreasonable.

On the other hand, during the late 16th century, Great Britain, France, Spain and the Netherlands started major colonization programs in eastern North America. Many colonizers from Europe went to North America with highly developed military, naval, governmental and entrepreneurial capabilities. Mercantilism was the basic policy enforced by Britain on its colonies from the 1660s. Mercantilism meant that the government and merchants based in England became partners with the goal of increasing political power and private wealth. The first successful English colony in North America was Jamestown in Virginia. The main goal of the colonizers was to find gold. They set up the London Virginia Company to corporate and responsible for the searching of gold in the new land. However, the first years were difficult for them because many of the colonizers died from disease, starvation and also wars with native Indians. After a failed plan searching for gold, the British turned their interests into crops. Their colony survived and flourish by trading tobacco. By the late 17th century, new and richer settlers came into America, took up large portions of land and started to import slavery and servants. Soon after, African slaves replaced the servants and became the main labor force in America. Some of the settlers and some people moved to New England areas in order to escape from the limitation of religion and that was how towns in Massachusetts’s areas were settled.

History of the Beautiful Morocco


Morocco is a country with a long history back to the ancient era. The studies show that the area of present-day Morocco has been inhabited since the Paleolithic times or around 190,000-90,000 BC. The first group or the native people of Morocco were the Berbers. The Berber people are the ethnicity indigenous to North Africa west of the Nile Valley. They are distributed from the Atlantic Ocean to the Siwa Oasis in Egypt, and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Niger River. The Berbers usually lived as a large group dividing into different tribes. There was no actual proof of any government during the Berbers era, the Berbers were believed to be living in the tribes and follow their tribal leader’s rules. Each tribe could have totally different aspect of rules, which their people needed to follow. Since there were no actual rulers in the area, the land of Morocco was frequently invaded by many groups of empires and invaders during those times. Phoenicians were the first invaders of Morocco back to around the 12th century BC. The Phoenicians started trading colonies and established settlements in the early Classical period. Mogador was one of the main settlements of the Phoenicians; it was a colony as early as the early 6th century BC. Since the Phoenicians mainly did trading, they claimed a great amount of land on the coastline of Morocco.


Soon after, the Carthaginians took over around the 2nd century BC and Morocco became a part of a North African empire headquarter in Carthage but later on became the target of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire captured and converted the Carthaginians’ strongholds in the area and rules Morocco until the empire fell apart. During the time period under the Roman Empire’s control, Christianity was introduced to the people and it gained converts in the Roman towns, among slaves and some Berber farmers. The falling of the Roman Empire allowed many more nations to invade the land. The first invader after the fall of the Empire was the Vandal and later by the Byzantium. The Arab invasion brought the end to the Byzantium era and it allowed the Arab to move into the area and take over the land. The first Arab rulers were the Idrisid dynasty; they ruled Morocco for over 150 years. During this time period, many of the Berbers converted to Islam and the first independent Muslim state in the area was established as the Kingdom of Nekor.


         The majority of the Moroccan culture nowadays comes from the time after the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews fighting over the control of the country. The war led the country into an unstable status however; a man by the name of Ahmed I al-Man-Sur brought the stability back to the country during his rule under the Sharifian dynasty. He established and unified the country between 1579 and 1603. Moors and Jews were expelled from the country and the Spanish began to settle in the area during this the same time period. Each nation brought many cultures such as art, food, etc. to Morocco, making Morocco became really diverse and filled with many cultures until its present day.


Morocco : A great travel destination that you should visit once in a lifetime


Have you ever wanted to take a break from everything but didn’t where to go? Have you ever realized how boring it is to stay in one place for a whole time? As New Year is approaching it is time to think about exploring somewhere new, discover the places you have never been to and travel into a whole new world and do things you have never done!


Surfing on the high waves, laying down on the beautiful beaches, riding camels along the beaches or on beautiful deserts as the sun goes down, experience the colourful view of the cities as the sky changes colour every evening, hike on the enormous mountains to encounter the break taking panorama scenes, enjoy walking along the streets of the old cities, cruise on a vast Atlantic ocean and gorgeous Mediterranean sea, and be impressed by the smell of magnificent nature. The country of Morocco will not disappoint you! Morocco has so many choices to offer you for a relaxing vacation from natural lovers to shopping lovers. With tons of activity options in this charming country, you will never want to leave this place again.



In Morocco, the official languages are Arabic and Berber. Approximately 89.8% of the population can communicate in Moroccan Arabic. The capital city is Rabat but the largest city in Morocco is Cassablanca.

Marrakech morocco-meknes-moulay-idriss-panorama

Morocco spans from the Atlantic Ocean, to mountainous areas, to the Sahara desert. Most of the country part is highland with the Atlas Mountains locate mostly in the center and the south of the country, and the Rif Mountains locate in the north part of Morocco. Sahara Desert takes over most of the southeast part of the country. This area is usually few inhabited and unproductive economically. Most of the population lives to the north of these mountains while the south is the Western Sahara.


The climate of Morocco varied due to its diverse geography. For most part of the country the weather is Mediterranean, it is moderate and subtropical, cooled by the freezes of Atlantic and Mediterranean. The weather in the interior is more extreme, the further away from the coast the extremer the temperatures. The central part could be very cold during winter, and very hot during summer. The best times to visit Morocco are in the spring and fall, when the weather is warm and dry. During summer, the average temperature for the cities along coastline is between 64-82 Fahrenheit (18-28 Celsius). The climate changes when moving into the east part of the Atlas Mountains because of the barrier, or shelter, effect of the mountain system, turning into very dry and extremely warm area during summer.



Did you know that Morocco is the world’s third-largest producer if phosphorus after China and the United States? The major resources of the Moroccan economy are agriculture, phosphates, and tourism. Sales of fish and seafood are important as well. Industry and mining put up around one-third of the annual GDP.

Moroccan cuisine has been considered as the most diversified cuisines in the world. As a result of the country’s long interaction with many other countries. Cuisine in Morocco is mainly Berber-Moorish, European, And Mediterranean cuisine.


Boko Haram’s gaining its power


This article is posted on Tuesday September 2, 2014. The article is about how bad the situation in Nigeria is after a long conflict between the military and the opposing Islamic group named “Boko Haram” Mannir Dan Ali, an African journalist wrote a letter to the BBC News to reveal how stressful the situation is and also how the military is lacking of ability to fight back to the Boko Haram.

Boko Haram was founded in 2002 and it was initially focused on opposing the Western education as its name in the Hausa language means “Western education is forbidden.” After being established for seven years, in 2009 Boko Haram launched its military operation hoping to create an Islamic state. The group has been decleared as a terrorist group by the United States since 2013. For the past few months many teenage girls in Nigeria approximately around 200 schoolgirls have been abducted from the northeastern part of Nigeria where the conflict occurs. Sadly, until nowadays there has been no sign and news about the rescue of those girls who have been disappeared. The problem Nigeria is facing is not only just the insurgent in the northeast but also the government’s military that seems to be a little useless and hopeless for the citizens. The Boko Haram is getting more and more power when it invaded and took over several cities in the northeastern region and it seems like it will not stop just that. Ali claimed that the military is lack of equipments and trains, and they are easily defeated by the terrorist. In the article, some soldiers gave interviews announcing that the commander’s order of sending soldiers to encounter with the Boko Haram insurgents without adequate weapons is like sending them to die. Not only the lack of equipment problem, the military commanders seem to be ignoring the fact that they are losing their people and villages and believe in their bias propaganda instead of concerning the true state of incident in the trouble region. The people of Nigeria are now in a serious situation where they have to be scared by the attack of the insurgents and it seems like the only thing they could do is to wait for an unreliable military commander to decide the next step of the fight.

The tones the author used in the article is a little bit pessimistic and hopeless with the government’s action of controlling the rebels. The article gives me a sad feeling and it makes me feel sympathy to the Nigerians’ fate and their unpredictable future. However, the source where the article was written has some influences on the article itself since the article is based on the letters sending from the African journalists. The local people would have put their thoughts and ideas into the letters and that has affected the tones and the words of the article a little bit.

In my opinion, I think the situation in Nigeria is a serious issue that shouldn’t be viewed as only a domestic problem but it should be considered as a world problem. Nigerian people need help from the outside world since the help from their government is not enough at all. The corruption is what makes the country’s military army so weak that they do not have appropriate weapons to encounter the insurgents. Government should take care of corruption problem and build up the strength of their army. If the terrorists could take over the country and set up an Islamic state, it would be a role model for other terrorists group to follow the path and lead into more land secessions and wars in other areas of the world.