Tag Archives: Guinea

Ebola: Guineans Riot in Nzerekore over Disinfectant

Ebola: Guineans Riot in Nzerekore over Disinfectant


1 September 2014

The issue of this article was about how the residents of Nzerekore, Guinea rioted after their market place was sprayed with disinfectant to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus. The local residence feared that the spray would spread Ebola, leading to the attack on health workers and the hospital in Nzerekore. Therefore causing them to flee to nearby military bases for protection. This fear was fabricated by a rumor that the spray would help spread the Ebola virus to the locals. The article continues to talk about how the outbreak of Ebola started in Guinea and has claimed over fifteen thousand lives so far. The article then continues to go into how the local traders were not warned about the epidemic and held protest at the local hospital. Furthermore the article goes into how Senegal has confirmed its first case of Ebola, which was a Guinean citizen.

_77257455_77255649            The main issue of this article was eluded, which is Ebola has a serious issue and what can be done to prevent the spread. Anytime we as a people have an epidemic dealing with some form of disease it affects the entire world. If we look at history we will see how diseases like cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, and the plague have spread around the world claiming many lives. These diseases all started in one location then spread like wild fire to the rest of the world, and at no fault to any one person or nation. This is the nature of diseases, and Ebola is no different.

This article was very biased against Guinea and tossed blame on the country for the outbreak. The writer states, “the current outbreak of Ebola began in Guinea, and has killed more than 1,500 people in four countries.” That statement places direct blame on the country for the outbreak and the death for the people in the neighboring countries. It also goes into how the Guinea citizen was at fault for Senegal’s first case of Ebola.

This is not only stereotypical but also a damaging article to their country and the continent of Africa. Every country in the world relies on import and export, so this article helps create a tone of fear around the world. Transactions and opportunities that normally would have been possible may have halted or damaged for good, because of fabricated fear that is created by the press. I believe by the tossing of blame, and reporting actions of a scared group of people is very damaging. The things that should be coming out of this part of the world should be positive. They should discuss the issue of the disease and the ways to prevent the spread.

In conclusion, this article was very damaging to Guinea and the neighboring countries. The writer only discusses the fear that was created from the viruses, and how the people are reacting based off of that fear. Other then targeting the domestic issues of this country in its dyer need. The writers from this organization should focus on information that can be useful to the world, because this virus affects everyone and isn’t bias to who it targets.