Tag Archives: Mali

Mali Landmine Kills Four UN Peacekeepers

September 2nd, 2014

Source from: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-29036996


BBC posted this news article on September 2nd, 2014. This article states that four of the UN peacekeepers were killed and fifteen other were injured by the landmine in Northern Mali; in which was resulted from the increased attack in the past week. At first, no one declares to be an attacker of this attack; later on, Al-Qaeda claimed to be an attacker.

This article is very important as it shows how cruel the Al-Qaeda is and what the UN peacekeepers and soldiers have to face in their daily life. This stimulates the feeling of sadness and sorrow toward the fallen soldiers. This reminds people that the world that they live in is not a peaceful world, but it is very brutal.

The author uses strong words to create strong tone toward the situation. For example, the author uses the phrase “extremely serious condition” to show how badly injured the peacekeepers are. This phrase gives the strong and pessimistic tones toward this situation. It makes the reader to think that the situation is very serious and cruel. The author shows how the fatal the situation is in Mali by using the word, “increased attacks.” The author also uses normal tone when representing the facts to show that the facts that they are representing are real.

This tone and words make me to have a negative feeling toward Mali. It makes me feel scare to go to Mali. I think this news only represents the bad side of Mali, which shows the stereotype of how people think that the countries in Africa are full of terrorists and danger. It gives the sense of hopelessness where the situation could not improve, but instead it could possibly get worst.

The source of this article is from BBC News. BBC News is a famous news organization, which many people trust in. Therefore, the article from this news industry is very powerful. People tend to believe in what this news industry presents not only on the Internet, but also on the television. This is also an Western news industry, so it can be a little bias toward the UN side. This news might exaggerate the cruelty of the terrorists to create hatred from the people toward the terrorists.

In my opinion about the issue, I think that this is a very serious issue that UN should take care of immediately. I do not want to read, hear, or watch this news about the terrorists’ attack or war in Africa anymore. I think that there are other alternate ways to solve this problem other than responding by force. The terrorists should start to realize that what they are doing is wrong and need to be stop. For the words and tone, I think that the tone that the author of this article uses is an appropriate tone. I think that they use the tone to provoke people to realize that there is a situation that needed to be fixed in Africa and warn them that there is danger in Mali. This problem needs to be fixed and it should bring back the peace to Mali.