
Top 5 Actors who have never one an Oscar

With the conclusion of the Oscars last Sunday, I could not help but think about all the unlucky people that did not win oscars. They had gotten so close with a nomination, but it just wasn’t enough to seal the deal.  Imagine what it is like to be recognized constantly for your talent, but never win the oscar. So without further or due here are the top 5 actors have never won an Academy Award.

5.Johnny Depp 


To shake his teen idol status, Depp took on roles that were unlike his TV character as much as possible. Form his eccentric, but memorable performances with frequent collaborator, Tim Burton, to romances, thrillers and more, Johnny Depp has done it all. But his first oscar nomination came along in the new century for what’s now considered his trade mark role Jack Sparrow. He since has earned two more nominations, but no victories yet.

4. Will Smith


He is a grammy winning rapper, television star, and box office king, but the fresh prince still can’t catch oscar gold. He may be funny, but he can also be so serious which has made the Academy sit up and take notice twice. They did not give him the trophy either time, but this has not stopped Smith from pursing  genre as various as sci-fi, romantic comedies and biography pictures.

3.Edward Norton


Although it takes some actors decades before they are recognized by the Academy, Norton got his first for Supporting Oscar nomination right off the bat for with the film called Primal Fear. It is not the only time Norton showcased such diversity within a role, his Best Actor nominated American History Xn performance for proof of that.

2.Peter O’ Toole


With eight Oscar nominations and no wins, it is not surprising he holds the record for most nominations and no wins. The rsh actor’s respective and deeply repertoire ranges from epics to historical dramas and musicals to black comedies has earned him many accolades. Although Laurence of Arabia is considered one of cinema’s finest films, O’Toole only has an honorary Oscar from 2003 to chauffeur almost 60 year career.

1.  Leonardo DiCaprio


Jack Dawson may have been the king of the world,but DiCaprio has yet to add the title Oscar winning to his  20 plus year career. It is not like he has not been nominated. He was still a teen when he received his first and earned two more in the 2000’s. DiCaprio since then has shown he can definitely play in dramas,tragedies, comedies and more, but the trophy still eludes him.

Who did I miss? Do any of my picks surprise you? Please comment below and thanks in advance.

Civic Issues

Under Pressure: An Open Discussion on Mental Health Deliberation Review

On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of attending a deliberation hosted by another CAS class. The group was rather large and consisted of 12 people. Their topic revolved around college students’ stress correlating with mental health and how universities are dealing with this problem. Their three approaches were intervention, right to privacy, and resources and funding. Every participate was given information ahead of  time discussing their problem and solutions. This place mat was easy to follow as each solution was made into a table with columns (one summarizing the problem, while the other contrasting the advantages and tradeoffs). They had 3 tradeoffs and actions that could be taken for each approach. If I could add anything to the information sheet, I would have advise them to add a notes section. There was great points I wanted to add to their place mat as notes, but had little room. Overall their approaches to their solutions was creative and possibly doable.

Approach One: Intervention

The first approach requires the university taking maximum level precautions to ensure the safety of students with mental illness, as well as the safety of those around them. This would include recommending students to see counselors regularly provided by the university and having a campus hotline available. These would enable the university to keep a closer eye on students struggling with mental illness to ensure that they are not a threat to themselves or others. However, the major trade-off to this approach would be the violation of students’ personal privacy, especially when involving a third party about a student’s health conditions. Telling other people about students’ mental illness could affect how people treat these students, which could potentially worsen the situation. In addition, mental illness can manifest itself in different ways depending on the person, so it would be challenging  to identify a single solution that can help anyone.

Approach Two: Right to Privacy

This approach dealt with students who are struggling with mental illness being allowed to make their own decisions about their care. It argues the stance of them deserving the right of privacy respected by staff and students around them.  The groups proposes the question if it morally right right that Penn State along with several other universities require their staff to report and potential case of mental illness and if the student poses no treat to others , is it fair to invade their privacy and make judgements on how they should be treated. Some students may perceive attempts of help as actions that undermine their capacity to take care of themselves. The responsibility for treatment ultimately lies with the afflicted person. This approach  would allow a student struggling with mental health issues to seek help on his or her terms, without feeling pressured or embarrassed by attempts of those who want to help. Embracing the right of privacy treats students like people instead of like patients, and allows them to be in control.

Approach Three: Resources and Funding

Approach three involves the few different types of Penn State resources available to students suffering from mental health illnesses and increasing more programs. It address the problem of how these resources are underfunded and cannot provide the necessary support to their best abilities. Some students have to wait to be seen, while others are just getting bare minimum number of appointments. Health services are struggling not only with the lack of funding, but their physical locations in a cramped campus make access to these services an even greater ordeal. This approach not only explores allocating more resources to these services at Penn State, but will determine where this funding should come from. Also, given the current financial climate and resources, this approach discussed the most effect ways that students  can currently seek out and get the help necessary.


Entirely the deliberation went well. The conversations followed along with the questions presented by each groups. There several personal stories provided by the audience that made this topic more relatable. As an extrovert, originally, I did not understand how introverts functioned. But after listening to several confessions during the deliberation, it made me realize how inconsiderate I was of people.


Top 5 Movie Coaches

Recently I was talking to a friend back home, when we got on the topic of sports. We discussed the importance of coaches and how they can make or break a team. In times of darkness, a coach motivates his team to get back in game and try their hardest. Their encouraging speeches in the locker, dugout or on the course fuels the team to push themselves to new limits and maybe even make the winning shot.  I couldn’t help but think about how this applies to sports movies, so without further or due, here are my picks for my top 5 sport movie coaches.

5) Jimmy Dugan (A League of Their Own)

A League of Their Own centers around the true story of women league baseball. It was World War II and the majority of the men had been shipped off to war. Sports teams in America were deprived and understaffed. The Major League Baseball decided to create a women’s league to compensate. Jimmy Dugan, played by Tom Hanks, is a washed up Major League player that receives a chance to coach a women’s team. At first he is reluctant, but as time goes on, he matures with the team and learns that women are not second class citizens.

4) Tony D’Amato (Any Given Sunday)

You can never go wrong with Al Pacino. In Any Given Sunday, Pancio plays a character named Tony D’Amato who coaches a football team called Miami Sharks. After loosing their first, second, and third string quarter back, the team began to lose faith in themselves. While in a locker room during  the halftime, D’Amato delivers one of the most motivational speeches. Don’t believe me just watch!

3) Coach Carter (Coach Carter)

Performed by Samuel Jackson, Carter was raised strictly on academics, but found a liking in sports. As a basketball coach, he stressed that his athletes must take their studies seriously, as good academic performance would give them access to college and other opportunities in life. His belief was put to the test when, he decided to coach a inner city children at Richmond High Schoo. Carter then locked out his undefeated team for not honoring these academic and behavioral policies. While the community was outraged at first, people eventually changed, and he was praised for his preserving focus on prioritizing good values for his team.

2)Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid)

Wax on, wax off. In this classic 1980’s movie, the elderly and wise Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) transforms a skinny kid named Daniel into a karate master. He teaches on his martial art secrets by having Daniel do chores like work for hours painting fences and waxing cars. Slowly, Danny learned the importance of patience and priorities.

1) Coach Boone (Remember the Titans)

In Remember the Titans, Herman Boone (played by Denzel Washington) coaches the first de-segrated high school football team in Virginia . Boone’s motivational speeches on working together and always striving for perfection brings the team together for a memorable undefeated season.  I have watched this movie several tone and cry every time. If you have not seen this movie, go rent it right now, you won’t be disappointed.

Who did I miss? What other sports could I include?


Civic Issues

What it means to be a Republican or a Democrat

The majority of us subconsciously get our ideals and morals from our parents through upbringing. When it comes time for us to vote, we are faced with the question of selecting a political party. The majority of us go are choose what our parents are, but what do these parties truly support. Here are some statistics I sound online.

Same Sex Marriage

This issue has been in the headlights for years. Similar laws to the laws of segregation, some people believe that future generation will look back at this topic wondering why it was ever an issue. Today the topic is controversial among politics and is always a popular question during debates. While looking at the website, I discovered that only 25% of republicans support gay marriage compared to  75% of democrats (polling report). The republicans’ main argument against gay marriage involves the legality of taxation. When a heterosexual couple weds they receive tax write-offs and benefits from insurance companies. Each spouse receives a different amount of benefits based off of age. If same sex marriage is nationally legalized, the government would face the problem of tax rates on married couples. There would a problem in declaring who the mother or father in order to receive the fair amount of benefits. There is also a fear that more people will participate in gay marriage solely to receive cheaper taxes and bigger write-offs, ultimately cheating the government. On the contrary, the democrats believe that the this issue reveals the errors in the taxation system. Everyone should be taxed fairly. Married couples should still receive write-offs, but there should be different rates based off of sex. Personally, I prefer the democratic side of the argument because I believe the government should fix their taxation system instead of catering to it by opposing gay marriage that reveals the errors within.

Death Penalty

The death penalty is a nonfederal based issue that is treated differently among the states. In some states, like Texas, there is rarely any opposition towards a convicted murderer. The polls convey this issue split the Democratic party almost in half. 49% support the death penalty, while a close 51% oppose it. On the other hand, the Republican party clearly  support the issue with a majority of 72% (polling report). Democrats believe that the death penalty should be considered unconstitutional because in their eyes it breaks the rule of permitting cruel and unusual punishment. Although lethal injection is a huge step from electrocution, there is not that much proof supporting the idea that lethal injection is painless. Democrats do believe that prisoners should be punished for their crime, but they should be tortured. On the contrary, the Republicans support the death penalty because,as blunt as this may seem, it does cut the cost of prison. This does not mean that republicans believe in using the death penalty loosely to save a buck, they just believe that criminals should be punished consequently for their actions. For example, serial killers should receive the death penalty for the huge amounts of death that they are responsible for. The sentence of life in prison is not only costly, but a generous sentence. Personally, I support the Republicans on this issue. I believe any crime involved the harming of children should definitely receive the death penalty because children are defenseless. To me harming a child is the worst things a person can do.

Education (Pre-K)

When researching about this topic I found a poll questioning whether Pre-K should be a state or federally funded program (polling report).  The majority of the democrats supported the idea of a federally funded program because they generally want more governmental involvement. Nationalizing Pre-K could decrease the amount of children who start behind in primary schooling. Free public Pre-K schools with the assistance of federal funding would allow more children start elementary school wither ahead or on track. On the other hand, the republicans prefer state run programs because the curriculum is already state run. The process of creating a nationalized Pre-K seems impossible to solve with all the contrasting curriculums.  The government would either have to raise the standards to the best Pre-K in the nation or create an average curriculum, ultimately lowering some schools.  I believe that nationalizing Pre-K would be a great thing, but by doing this, the government would have to nationalized education.  This action would be tremendously difficult, if not impossible to making all the factors happy.

After looking though all these polls, I found myself leaning different ways on certain issues. I was not silly democrat or republican. This question is harder than you think when you apply it to issues.

Which party do you lean more toward? Please comment below! Thanks!



Top 5 Romantic Comedy Movie Clichés

With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought it would be fitting to do a countdown for romantic movie Clichés. These films take you through a journey of emotions as you witness a strong relationship form between two people. Although this adventure is a joyous one, the boy meets girl story can only have so many versions. Sooner than later, plots begin to overlap with ideas. So, without further or due, here are my top five clichés to Rom Coms.

5. The Lonely Montage

Montages seem like a necessary feature for romantic movies partically when a film is trying to let you know how torn up the main character is. Those solitary walks,binge eating, and not having fun around friends are not about being a hungry introvert who likes exercise. The lonely montage conveys that enough time has passed for realizations to be made and that something life changing is about to happen after this montage finishes.

4. Misunderstandings

There comes a point in many romantic movies where the main character finds out that their love interest doesn’t support their dream, has lied to them about something or catches them with someone else. More often than not these circumstances could easily be resolved with a conversation, but that is not why we go the movies. We want to watch the main character to scurry to find their way back to love.

3. Interrupted Kiss

This usually occurs in teen “Rom-Coms” because of the PG ratings. This rating only permits one to three kisses throughout the entire movie. There are several times when the two love birds look as thorough they are to embrace but are interrupted by a friend or comedic moment. As a result, the anticipation builds as we wait to finally see the big kiss happen. This moment occurs usually towards the conclusion of a movie when one of the characters is revolving the conflict with their lover. It is this kiss that solidifies their feelings for one another as they live happily ever after.

2.The Mad Dash

If you ever see someone sprinting full speed in an airport and they have not been tackled by security, you either need to leave immediately or realize that someone is getting a proposed to, at least that is how it works in the movies. Bursting in at the very last moment to speak now at someone’s wedding is how you make your relationship last. None of these symptoms are poor communication or horrible planning. In these romantic comedies, this occurs after the main character finally realizes their true feelings towards their significant other. This also increases tension as we hope for everything to resolve illogically and happily.

1. Grand Gestures of Love

A box of chocolate and a text message just is not going to cut it in a romantic movie. Showing up at your true loves’ house with a boombox , climbing up a fire escape or simply showing up at their doorstep unexpectedly could all lead to restraining orders in real life, but these are romantic movies. It all about showing off your love dramatically. This number one cliché is what makes a romantic comedy simply romantic. It is also what gets men in trouble generally, as women question why these dreamy events don’t happen to them.

What other clichés can you think of? What did I miss? Please comment below! Thanks!


Top 5 Depressing Disney Movie Moments

Recently, I have been watching a plethora f Disney films. Every once in a while, it is nice to resort back to your childhood as you find yourself singing along to songs that you have not heard in years. One of the biggest things I notice immediately was how depressing these movies actually are. Because I am older, a happy song occurring right after a character dying does not distract me as much as it use to. So, without further a due, here are my top five Disney movies that make you tear up overtime. Warning: There are some spoilers!

5. Sulley says goodbye to Boo- Monster’s Inc

After forming an unexpected friendship with a pint sized little girl he calls Boo, Sulley, the big blue monster, must eventually say goodbye. When Boo opens the closet door expecting Sulley to be there and finds clothes, she learns her first difficult life lesson: Sometimes goodbye can be forever.

4.Jessie’s Owner leaves her- ToyStory 2

In Toy Story 2, the fun adventure continues when Andy goes off to summer camp and the toys are left to their own devices. Things shift into high gear when an obsessive toy collector kidnaps Woody (IMDB). During his capture, Woody meets a cowgirl named Jessie. When trying to escape, Jessie explains to him that their is no point in him returning to his owner. She goes on to tell her person story of when her owner gave her away. With the accompaniment of the song “When Somebody Loved Me”  by Sarah McLachlan, the audience witnesses for Jessie’s eyes the ambiguous process of her owner going up. Under the bed, Jessie watches the footsteps as she ages and her, herself, realize she is not relevant anymore.

3.Opening Scene of Up -Up

I have blogged about this movie several times over. It makes several of my top five’s because the film is that amazing. Within the the first ten minutes, the audience falls in love with the main character and his wife as they grow old together. Although there is very few dialogue exchanged between the two, their love is true. What makes the scene take a turn for the worst is when the wife discovers she can’t have children and later dies from a serious illness leaving her husband a widow. The silence of the film emphasizes the fear of losing a loves one and the sorrow of being left behind.

2. Bambi’s Mother Dies- Bambi

When Bambi was a doe, he loved wondering around the forrest. One winter, while eating some grass, his mother senses something and tell Bambi to run home. As his mother follows behind telling him to never look back, Bambi finally reaches home safely, but alone. The audience hears the depressing sound of a gun shot in the background. Bambi being naive, thinks his mother was behind him all along, but discovers she fell behind. Although the audience never witnesses Bambi’s mother’s death, the echo of Bambi calling for her still haunts people to this day.

1. Mufasa Dies- Lion King

Speaking of parental death, not only does Simba’s father, Mufasa, die, but before audience’s eyes. This scene ranks number one because the audience witnesses the evil Scar toss the King of Pride Rock down to stampeding herds below. The truly devastating moment comes when Simba finds his father and is unable to wake him up. This is further compounded by Scar blaming Simba for Mufasa’s death and terrorizes him into thinking it is best to run away from home in order to avoid being killed by other lions out of vengeance. This experience haunts him for the rest of his life and the audience’s.

What scenes make you tear up every time? Please comment below!