
Best College Movies

As our blogs and the school year come to a close, I thought my last blog post should resolve around college. No matter if you’re a freshman or senior, college teaches you something new every year. The summer before I left for college, my father, who is the reason why I know and love so many movies, decided to sit down with me and introduce what he called his college collection. These were movies that came out while he was at Arizona State, that revolved around school. I watched all the movies and took notes hoping to either avoid or experience some situations the characters endeavored. So without further or due, here are my top 5 colleges with a slight modern twist.

5. Drumline

This movie was my life in elementary school. The movie was filmed in Atlanta and I can remember hoping to be an extra in the film. The movie is about a Harlem bucket drummer (Nick Cannon)who earns a scholarship to fictional Atlanta A&T University. While he is there he falls in love with head cheerleader. Unfortunately, he is a a bit of a hot head gets into fights constantly throughout the film. The movie’s final music battle scene between Atlanta A&T University and their rivals is amazing. It makes the movie and my countdown


This college film is about school, but with a twist. When a fraternity finds a house in the suburbs, they find that their neighbors are married couple with a new born. After several disturbances, the neighbors decided to do whatever it takes to get them out the neighborhood. This movie has dreamy party and hilarious lines throughout. It starts the grown up Zac Efron and funny Seth Rogen.

3. Back to School

As we climb into the top three, we also dig into the classic introduced to me by my father. Back to School is a classic 80’s film about a wealthy but uneducated father who goes to college to show solidarity with his discouraged son and learns that he cannot buy an education or happiness ( He does what ever college student dreams of… remodel the dorms. He buys three dorms surrounding his original and combines the rooms into one. His parties are also amazing with live concerts and free food. Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but it can sure allow you access to do what you please. You will also enjoy a young quirky Robert Downey Jr. and comedic Rodney Dangerfield.

2. Accepted

This movie lies close to my heart. I watched this film during the stressful time of sending in college applications. Its about a senior that does not get accepted into any of the schools he applied to. So, in order to keep his family calm, he decides to invent his own school called Southern Hampton Institute of Technology. His friend creates a website so believable that student from all over the country apply and automatically get accepted into. The main character is forced to then find a empty and create the dream campus. At this university there are no finals or long paper that you do not want to write about. The dorms are amazingly huge and there are classes in almost anything. Tanning is even a class!

1.Revenge of the Nerds

Revenge of the Nerds Is both my father and I’s favorite movie about college. It’s another classic 80’s movies that involves nerds and athletes. After some freshman lose their dorms to the football team, they decided enough is enough and fight back for their peace and self respect. The final music battle is also amazing and has in fact been made a parody by cartoons like Family Guy and American Dad.

It has truly been a pleasure writing to you all. What are some of your favorite college movies? Please comment below!

5 thoughts on “Best College Movies

  1. Kosar Abolhassani Shahreza

    I love Accepted! I must’ve seen that movie about fifty times during my senior year. It always gave me hope that even if I didn’t get into any school, there was always a possibility of establishing my own South.Hampton.I.T! Thankfully, Penn State took me in and that never happened. Great post!

  2. Jacob Foose

    I’m so glad you mentioned Accepted. As an elementary school student, for some reason I fell in love with that movie. I still know a ridiculous amount of lines from it, and can probably get the first couple of scenes. “Say cheers. Say beers!” Granted, I didn’t really get the whole drinking and sex thing, but it was still a funny movie. Also, it introduced me to Lewis Black, which I think affected my mind some way based on how much I swear and yell now.

  3. Matthew Ian Jentis

    This post was really great and relatable! I have seen parts of Revenge the Nerds and think it is such a great film to watch. Some of my favorite films I have watched this year are the Hunger Games movies. I watched them with friends this year in the Hub who said I needed to watch them in order to understand how great a film series it is. I have also liked reading about your film and television opinions. Nice job this semester!

  4. Veronica Giuditta Bianchi

    I loved drumline! I remember when I watched it as a little girl when it first came out. I love watching movies that have to do with music, one of my favorites is August Rush, it doesn’t really have to do with college but it is about a boy struggling through life, and music saving him. Love your posts! they’re great!

  5. Lauren Brooke Nogay

    Accepted is one of my guilty please movies. The “Ask me about my wiener” line is so classic. I’m not sure if this counts, but Superbad is one of my favorite movies. It technically takes place in high school but they talk about going to college throughout the whole movie.

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