
Top 5 Quentin Tarantino Movies

Quentin Tarantino is a famous director know for his quirky style. His films usually pay homage to old films that he saw growing up. From gangster films to historic ones with a twist, Tarantino is quite original. His love for sharp dialogue, gruesome violence, music, and foot faddish sets him apart from others. So without further or do, here are the top 5 Quentin Tarantino movies.

5. Jackie Brown

jackie brown

The movie involves a flight attendant, Jackie Brown  who in order to supplement her low paying job, smuggles money from Mexico into the U.S., for a gunrunner, Ordell Robbie , until she is caught by an ATF agent , who then tries to get Brown to inform on Ordell. Ordell initially plans to kill Brown to prevent her from turning on him, but she convinces him that she will pretend to help the authorities while managing to smuggle half a million dollars of Ordell’s money, enough for him to retire. There are some nice twists and turns. This movie also has a great cast (you can’t get much better than DeNiro and Sammuel Jackson in the same film), and helped revive the careers of Pam Grier and Robert Forster. The movie homage to 1970’s black exploitation movies with 70’s R&B music and style of clothing.

4.Kill Bill Vol.1


Kill Bill is Tarantino’s bloody homage to old school Hong Kong martial arts movies and ’70’s revenge flicks. Volume 1 centers around a once pregnant Bride that beaten and shot in the head by Bill and his Deadly Vipers Assassination Squad. She was a former member of the assassin group . After lying comatose for four years, the Bride wakes up and leaves the hospital to seek revenge. In the film, the Bride confronts and takes down Vernita Green in an incredible knife fight, but that is only an appetizer for the main course, which is her bloody and lengthy battle with O’Ren-Ishi and her henchmen, “The Crazy 88,” and her personal bodyguard, the psychotic 17-year old, Gogo Yuba. In the main fight scene, the Bride wears a yellow jumpsuit in honor of Bruce Lee ad fights over 200 henchmen. The scene turns noire because the director had to avoid receiving an MC-17 rating. It was too bloody and gory for comfort.

3.Inglorious Basterds


Inglourious Basterds is Tarantino’s highest-grossing film to date, and received multiple awards and nominations, including eight Academy Award nominations. This World War II film tells the story of a “take-no-prisoners” group of Jewish-American soldiers who were dropped behind enemy lines to strike fear in to the Nazisand involves two separate plots to assassinate the Nazi Germany high command, including Adolf Hitler. This movie probably has the single best performance by any actor in a Tarantino film. Christoph Waltz’s scene stealing portrayal of SS Colonel Hans Landa was frighteningly good.

2.Pulp Fiction


The movie is a crime film known for its fantastic lines and dialogue, perfect mix of humor and violence, and is told in a character driven, non-linear method, with multiple intersecting story lines.The ensemble cast is incredible, and the soundtrack is almost as good as the movie itself. This movie single handedly revitalized John Travolta’s career, and was deservedly nominated for seven Oscars, including best picture.

1. Reservoir Dogs


Reservoir Dogs was Tarantino’s first, and some still say his best, directorial work. Tarantino’s directorial debut was a low-budget independent film that, while not a box office hit when it was first released, quickly became a cult classic. The story revolves around a jewelry heist gone wrong, and the events that take place before and after, as the surviving criminals try to figure out if they were set up by a police informant within the gang.

What are your favorite Tarantino movies? Please comment below! Thanks!


5 thoughts on “Top 5 Quentin Tarantino Movies

  1. Jessica Lee

    I’ve never watched any of these movies, but I do remember leaning about Tarantino and his films in my cinema class last semester. My professor praised him for his unique style in his films. I’ve been wanting to watch one of his movies ever since then, but I haven’t looked into which ones I should watch. This post is was so helpful for me for that reason. Thanks for a great post!

  2. Jada Marie Devlin

    I always love your posts, maybe cause I’m such a movie fanatic. I am ashamed to admit that I haven’t really seen many Quentin Tarantino movies. I really want to watch Inglorious Bastards, because I’ve heard so much about it. I did try to watch Kill Bill, but I couldn’t get into it. Maybe its just because Uma Thurman kinda bugs me. Great Post!!

  3. Matthew Lamas

    YES, KILL BILL. When I first watched it, I had wondered why I had never come across such a glorious piece of film. It puts other “assassin” movies like Charlie’s Angel’s to shame.

  4. Veronica Giuditta Bianchi

    Loved your post! I love watching movies, and you writing about them makes me always come back to your blog. Unfortunately I haven’t seen any of his movies, a fact I’ll have to change when I get back to my room! I didn’t know he directed Kill Bill! or Inglorious Basterds. I always learn new things reading your post! Great Job!

  5. Lauren Brooke Nogay

    I’m a little embarrassed to say that I haven’t seen any Tarantino films. But the ones I have seen I have liked. Reservoir Dogs is one of my dad’s favorite movies. And I really liked Django.

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