Welcome to the 2014 HPA 401 Embedded Program to Costa Rica web site. On this trip, students will learn how health care is delivered in Costa Rica. Students will have a chance to meet with policy makers, physicians and other providers of care, as well as administrators in an effort to learn how Costa Rica is able to achieve impressive health outcomes. The Learning Objective for this embedded program is for students to analyze the information obtained on the trip and effectively present it back to the class upon return to the United States. Applications for the trip are now being accepted. Please deposit them in Celeste Newcomb’s mail box in the Keller Building. As of Sept 1, 2014 we still have room to accommodate a few more students. We have added a one credit version of this course to allow more students to go on the trip. If you are interested in going on the trip, but not in the class please contact Celeste Newcomb at cgn1@psu.edu.
Just wanted to say hello to all of you and thank you for your really interesting articles and reflections. It is clear that you are noticing so much and really soaking it all in! I am so glad you are having this opportunity to learn about health care in Costa Rica. Safe travels back to Happy Valley and the end of the semester! Warmly, Nan Crouter