The most impressive feature I noted today was the environment of the health care facilities – especially the Hospital National de Niños. Upon exiting the bus, I was greeted by the strangest harmony of smiles and stern security. When we passed through the front door, I felt the Costan Rican stigma of compassion and positivity. From that point, I was sold – that this was one of the premier health care facilities in the world. As we continued the tour, I contemplated the effects of the open-air setting, ambitions staff (headed by r. Orland Urraz) and positive ecosystem on patient care and – more specifically recovery/ rehabilitation. I firmly believe (through first and second hand experience) that recovery depends both on time/ treatment and appropriate mindset. Though the individual has limited effect on time and treatment, the self has the ability to influence his/ her attitude and ambition. This desire to improve is better facilitated in a warm, inspiring surrounding within a strong supporting foundation from loved ones. The fact that this establishment has managed to implement all of the aspects allowed me to believe the prestige with ease. With the addition of fresh air and ample natural lighting, it is no surprise how successfully this hospital has become. I believe that if the American health care system could adopt some of the features of this facility (in the right circumstances) our patient care and recovery would see moderate improvements.