Exploring the Health Care System in Costa Rica

The College of Nursing will host the 2019 program, Exploring the Health Care System in Costa Rica May 5 – 12, 2019. Applications for 2019 are now being accepted.

On the trip, students will learn and see first-hand how health care is delivered in Costa Rica. In addition, students will meet with nurses, physicians, and other providers of care, along with policy makers and administrators, in an effort to learn how Costa Rica is able to achieve impressive health outcomes. The Learning Objective for this embedded program is for students to analyze information obtained on the trip and effectively present what they have learned and experienced to others. In addition to the travel, this course requires class sessions and course work. For 2018, the student price of the trip was $2,135, which included all student lodging, all food, and transportation to and from the base hotel in San Jose. This price did not include airfare or tuition. Most students obtain some type of support funding. The 2019 trip is expected to cost about the same amount. In 2019 we will follow the same model as we did in 2018 with a spring term one credit course and a May term three credit course.  If you have questions about the program, please contact Celeste Newcomb at cgn1@psu.edu.

Fill out the following form to express interest in the 2019 program: – https://goo.gl/forms/OngmuFEYUsg6T0nz1

Learn about the program and what is expected of students by watching this short video created by a student-https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5LIWNThpDtkdUp5SUNYUURzYWM/view?pref=2…

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