Hello everyone,
Care communities often have detailed resident assessments that do a wonderful job collecting important information about a resident and their preferences. Unfortunately, these helpful documents frequently stay in a binder or electronic record unlooked at. Team members then miss out on some great information (we call them “gold nuggets”) that can help them provide person-centered care and develop strategies to address challenging behaviors.
The team at Acts-Granite Farms in Media, Pennsylvania designed a fantastic way to get this important person-centered information to the team members and community. They used the information collected from each resident’s “My Story” assessments to create “My Story” boards, which are then framed and hung (with resident’s permission) in a communal area for all to see. After a few weeks, The “My Story” boards are then hung in the resident’s room as a daily reminder of how special they are to the community. Below are examples of “My Story” boards for two residents at Granite Farms. Kudos to the team at Granite Farms whose commitment to person-centered care shines bright!!!
Remember our contest! If you have successfully used DICE with your staff to address a challenging behavior, please tell us about it in an email and we’ll send you a prize for your efforts!
Have a great week!