Exercise Ideas for People with Dementia & Contest Reminder

Hello everyone,

DailyCaring.com has a great article this week with ideas for exercises to do with people with dementia, tips for how to get them to participate in physical activity, and a list of the many benefits of exercise for this population. Much may sound familiar to you as it echoes many of the things we’ve discussed in past tidbits, but it is a great summary and easy to share with your staff.

Click on the link below to read the article:


Second, a reminder to send us a brief example of how you and your staff have used the DICE model (Describe, Investigate, Create & Evaluate) to address a challenging behavior of one of your residents. The communities that send us the best examples will cordless sweepers! These are great to use with residents who like to help clean, because they take away the risk of tripping and falling (no cord to worry about), and they are quiet—so no loud noises to bother others. 

Please send us your entry by July 22nd!


Have a great week!

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