Hello everyone, The environment plays a large role in encouraging physical and functional activity of residents in your communities. Some of the most common things we find lacking are cues in the environment to promote activity. Things like hand weights, foam swim noodles, elastic bands, stationary bikes, and other exercise equipment are great to have […]
Tag: environment
Tips for Integrating Person-centered Approaches into Care Plans
Hello everyone, Many of you are working on integrating more person-centered approaches into your care plans, and looking for ways that GNAs and other staff can easily access information about the social histories and preferences of residents, which is critical information when caring for people who have dementia. Those “golden nuggets” of information can help […]
Investigating Behaviors: The Second Step in the DICE Model
Hello everyone, In last week’s tidbit, we discussed the DICE process for assessing and managing behavioral issues in residents with BPSD. We focused on the “D”—describing a resident’s behavior with specific details that provide important clues about the cause of the behavior. This week we focus on the “I”—Investigate. Once we have a detailed […]
Benefits of resident engagement
Hello everyone, A study published in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship posed the question, “Is an Engaging or Soothing Environment Associated With the Psychological Well-Being of People with Dementia in Long-Term Care?” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27802364) Well…what do you think the researchers learned? They found that an engaging environment was associated with more positive emotional expressions, and that […]
Evidence-based strategies for pain reduction and a DICE suggestion from a community care partner
Hi everyone, First off, thank you to Stella Maris of MD for sharing this great example of DICE with us: D- Resident urinating in a cup in the dining room and on the floor in the corner of his room. I- Resident is a retired truck driver and would urinate in empty bottles/ cups in […]
Creating and evaluating the plan for managing behaviors- The DICE model in action
Hello everyone, This week we’ll finish discussing the four steps of DICE. We hope you had a chance to discuss the “Describe” and “Investigate” parts with your staff, and are finding the process helpful as you work to assess and manage behaviors of your residents with dementia. The “C” in DICE stands for “Create a […]
Investigating behaviors- The second step in the DICE model
Hello everyone, In last week’s tidbit we discussed the DICE process for assessing and managing behavioral issues in residents with BPSD. We focused on the “D”—describing a resident’s behavior with specific details that provide important clues about the cause of the behavior. This week we focus in the “I”—Investigate. Once we have a detailed description […]