Bob Snetsinger used to teach a course on spiders here at Penn State. It was offered in the summer, and, based on stories several alumni relayed to me, the course was very popular. Bob was able to inspire a passion for spiders in these students that has lasted for decades. (Steve Tessler, for example is an alum of this course)
I include a bit about spiders in my annual insect diversity course, but the treatment always felt superficial. After much rumination, reading, and discussion, I am excited to announce that Eric Yip and I are finally offering an updated version of Snetsinger’s famous spider course this fall! More details are below, and, like usual, I hope to post updates and some course materials here soon.
Spiders (ENT 497, 3 credits)
Fall 2021
This course is designed to grow students’ knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of spiders. Topics include spider taxonomy and how to recognize species; evolutionary history and relationships to other arachnids; the behavior and ecology of spiders as they relate to foraging, reproduction, and avoiding predation; cultural impacts and public attitudes regarding these organisms. The lab portion of the course focuses on understanding diagnostic and adaptive traits (spider morphology) and also how spiders can be used as indicators of habitat type and quality. Upon completing this course students should be able to:
- Draw a typical spider and label the parts relevant to taxonomy and evolution
- Describe patterns of spider diversity, as they relate to species numbers, evolutionary innovations, and geography
- Identify many of the common spiders of central Pennsylvania
- Explain how spiders have been used to understand behavior, ecology, and evolution more broadly
- Describe how spiders can serve as habitat indicators (e.g., as indices of biological integrity), including the sampling protocols involved
- Leverage public fascination (and fear!) of spiders for science outreach
- Dr. Andrew R. Deans (
- Dr. Eric Yip
Wed / Fri 2:30–5:30pm
Find out More (requires PSU Access ID)