Author Archives: Lee Bader

Saying Goodbye

Most of the tasks I completed this semester were similar to those I had accomplished last spring. We continued to compile monthly newsletters that reported on the events the Center had sponsored, as well as previewed some of the more anticipated events for the next moth. I also continued to blog about my experience as an intern, though many of my blogs were focused on my dreaded internship event – a.k.a. the bane of my existence. I created lots flyers for various lectures, which became one of my favorite tasks while an intern at the Center for Global Studies. It may sound silly, but I enjoyed creating their design and took great care and joy in finding an aesthetic that reflected the lecture and speaker effectively and appropriately. In addition to all the lecture series, newsletters, and press releases, I also had the opportunity to interview one of the speakers. Michael Gaw currently serves as an Assistant Director in the Division of Trading and Markets of the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington DC. He works on issues relating to trading rules and trade reporting for equities, fixed income, and derivative securities. Mr. Gaw graduated from Harvard College in 1990 with an AB in Social Studies, the University of Cambridge in 1992 with a MPhil in European Studies, and from Boston College Law School in 1995 with a JD. Mr. Gaw came to Penn State to talk about his unconventional education and career path and the journey the started with him studying Social and European Studies and ended with him working at the SEC. I was able to interview him and gain his perspective on the current state of undergraduate education and Liberal Arts degrees, as well as his advice for current college students, who are searching for a meaningful job or career, but may have degrees that are stereotyped or overlooked by employers. As a soon-to-be college graduate with a Liberal Arts degree, daunted by the job market, I found his insights to be very direct, sincere, and comforting. After all, like he mentioned, “…just because everyone expects you to have it all figured out at twenty-something years old, doesn’t mean you have to have it all figured out. You’re young, and it’s okay to move refrigerators for year before finding your career.”

This semester, I also had to complete my aforementioned, dreaded intern event. To sum up my feelings on the lecture, I will say this: I am glad I hosted it and I think it included honest, constructive discussion on global topics that are easily ignored, however, I am ecstatic that I will never have to plan one again. The time and exhaustive effort that I dedicated to executing that event were well worth it, but not something I would gladly endure again. Trying to match up schedules and curate content and designing marketing materials, while ensuring to get the “ok” from the speaker on everything was a constant, enduring struggle on my end. Luckily, I decided to host Dr. Lee Ann De Reus, an Associate Professor of Human Development & Family Studies and Women Studies at Pennsylvania State University-Altoona and the co-founder/assistant executive director of Panzi Foundation USA, who is not only knowledgeable in the area of international work, but an absolute delight. Dr. De Reus is personable and relatable and can easily incite college students to actively participate in profound discussion – no easy feat. I am very grateful to her for volunteering her time and for leading such an engaging lecture and conversation. Thank you Dr. De Reus.

This will be my last blog as an intern for the Center for Global Studies, as I will not be returning next semester. I am grateful for this experience and I wish Sarah Mary, and Bridget the best of luck for the spring semester. Thanks to everyone who has helped me during this internship!

An Anxious Intern Awaits the Awful Intern Event

We are now pretty much halfway through the semester and the work from this internship hasn’t killed me yet. The infamous “intern event” looms in the distance of next month, but my anxiety and uncertainty about it has subsided. Okay, well my anxiety hasn’t totally subsided, considering I still need to make the flyer and the press release for the event and actually execute it, but the uncertainty is definitely gone.

For my event, I enlisted the help of Lee Ann De Reus, an Associate Professor of Human Development & Family Studies and Women Studies at Penn State – Altoona. Dr. De Reus is a close friend of an organization on campus called Global Brigades, where I’m on the executive board. Due to this pre-existing relationship, Dr. De Reus has already traveled to University Park to give talks about international work and advocacy multiple times and was happy to accommodate my request for a lecture.

Dr. De Reus is also the co-founder/assistant executive director of Panzi Foundation USA and travels regularly to Panzi Hospital in eastern DR Congo to conduct research, develop programs for rape survivors, and inform her advocacy work in the U.S. She co-leads annual field experiences for PSU students to Rwanda and Mozambique and co-founded Beza Kids in support of vulnerable women and children there.

The talk is entitled “Daring to Make a Difference: Finding Your Voice For Global Change” and will take place on Tuesday, November 17th at 111 Chambers starting at 6:30 p.m. for those interested in attending.

I’m very excited to host Dr. De Reus for her talk next month and listen to her ideas on helping students find their on voice for global change!

Round Two

Here I am! Back again! After another panic attack this year after realizing that I will be gone for half of another summer abroad, making an internship experience, yet again impossible, I have double-downed and re-upped with the Center for Global Studies as an intern.

This semester, I am the most experienced and longest-standing member of the intern staff, which is a little daunting considering I’ve only been here one semester. But, with my flyer-making skills and newsletter-writing abilities now honed, the internship somehow seems less intimidating this semester even though I believe that I’m currently putting in more man hours per week.

Also, last semester I somehow managed to weasel my way out of planning the dreaded “intern event”, by placating Sarah by present my research at the Undergraduate Research Symposium at the University of Pittsburgh. This semester, there will be no such relief. With November and International Education Week fast approaching, I can already feel the anxiety starting to creep up on me. While I have a pretty solid idea of the event I’d like to put on, (which I have already started attempting to execute with a flurry of emails) I can only hope everything will be set in time for November.

I am glad to be back for another semester, however, and experience a bunch of new event the Center has to offer. Last semester, was the Spring Series of events and most of the interns’ time and effort was put towards executing the World Stories Alive series at the Schlow Library every Saturday morning. While that was rewarding in its own ways, I’m very excited to be experiencing a slew of new events and lecture series this semester and what seems to be an awesome line-up of guest speakers. Considering I’m not huge on interacting with small children, I think this semester will be much more interesting for me in terms of attending events.

With this better understanding of the internship under my belt, I think that I’ve finally appropriately prepared myself for all the challenges and obstacles that might be thrown my way this semester.

Starting Something New


Planning things out logically step by step, down to a tee is kind of what I do. Most of the time I make things overly stressful for myself by attempting to figure out exactly what the next 5 years of my life will look like on a day-to-day basis. So when I realized that I would be away for 5 weeks this summer researching with a professor, I started to freak out about gaining internship experience. As a sophomore, I definitely have time to “get my stuff together”, but I wanted at least some experience before this year ended.

With this in mind, I applied for the Center of Global Studies internship over the summer with no idea what to expect. I’ve done office tasks before, but had no idea what projects I would be completing as an intern. Turns out, it’s not quite as scary as I was expecting.

As an Anthropology major who enjoys studying other cultures, I was happy to come on board for the Center of Global Studies. I knew my interest in international development and experience from the Humanitarian Engineering & Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) program here at Penn State, as well as from being Co-President of the Global Public Health Brigades would allow me to enjoy at least part of my internship.

While we are writing blogs and news letters, hanging flyers, creating handouts, and other seemingly menial internship tasks, a lot of what we work on and what we make is seen by numerous people on campus – something I like to take some pride in (even though I haven’t exactly been here that long). The events that we hold are rich in culture and interesting areas of study, making attending them as an intern not as much of a chore as imagined. I like the fact that I can incorporate learning about other cultures into my internship and connect it back to my major.

While Sarah has definitely been taking it easy on me so far, I can’t wait to jump in and get involved even more.