Tag Archives: anthocyanin

GM Anthocyanin containing tomatoes

Anthocyanins are antioxidant compounds produced by plants. Antioxidants destroy oxidizing agents in the body. Oxidizing agents destroy macromolecules such as proteins and DNA. Therefore, increasing the amount of antioxidants in the body should reduce DNA damage, and reduce the chance of cancer, and the amount of aging. Unfortunately, most people do not eat enough fruit and vegetables each day, and many of the most popular fruits and vegetables, such as apples, potatoes, potatoes, and bananas, do not contain high levels of anthocyanins. Fruits that do contain high levels of anthocyanins such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and plums are more expensive, and not widely available. To solve this low anthocyanin intake problem, researchers have bred anthocyanin containing tomatoes. The gene used to produce the anthocyanin compounds was taken from a common flower, the snapdragon. This gene was then inserted into the tomato genome, so that the tomato fruit now contains anthocyanins. This tomato variety was developed by a researcher at the publically funded John Innes Centre, in Norwich, UK. Another anthocyanin containing variety was developed through traditional breeding at Oregon State University and is currently available for planting. This traditionally bred variety does not produce the same amount of anthocyanins in its fruit as the genetically modified variety does.

Oregon State  Anthocyanin Tomato


Oregon State Anthocyanin Tomato


Possible uses for the GMO anthocyanin tomato


Information from the tomato breeder


A Traditionally Bred tomato that also contains anthocyanins
