September 25


This weeks post is on jocks everyone.  Think of Jake Wyler from Not Another Teen Movie, or John Tucker from John Tucker Must Die.

We know there’s many different types of jocks….or is there?

First, let’s establish what I simplified jocks down to, 2 words: Contact sports. I am sorry, but if you play golf or do cross country, you are not a jock. You’re just an athlete, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Personally, I think MOST are the same and the difference is just the sport. I did say MOST, however, I think you can get the occasional sweet and innocent jock that just so happens to be playing a sport like football that attracts girl (or boys) like a magnet, but those are usually the ones that are off the market already. These are the Troy Bolton’s. With being that lucky one who is with a jock, you, Gabriella, have to get use to not being Troys number one priority. I am sorry sweet cheeks, but you just aren’t, his sport is. In fact, you might be number 3 on the priority list, because he has to keep his grades up.

Jocks do have the reputation of being rude, self-absorbed, and scummy. I mean they can be. The attention they get from girls and boys gives them the feeling of entitlement. In high school, the important jocks that gave the school media coverage were the ones who seemingly never got in trouble, even when they should’ve. In college, the jocks are the ones whose names you hear come out of everybody’s mouth.

Coming from a girl, I can tell you that girls are constantly after the jocks. I’m not going to lie, my roommate and I looked up the football roster and went and followed the attractive ones on social media.

Anyway, if you want one, you have to act fast and do whatever you can to have their attention. If you’re thinking, “I don’t even want a jock. Why would I want a jock?” and I don’t blame you. Jocks have the stereotype of being stupid and hiring some ‘nerd’ to do their work for them, and nobody likes someone who has 2 braincells left.

Having a jock on your side can give you some status and can guarantee that you’ll be invited to weekend festivities (I wouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, because regarding my last post, I would definitely classify the jock as a player…they attract many girls or guys).

If you do see that you’re trying to hook the jock to your side, do so in a way that doesn’t seem like you’re trying too hard, but also that ensures he’ll remember you and like you. The way you know you’re in is if you see you’re becoming one of the boys; that’s always the first step.

Picture this, you start dating a jock, and he’s really good at his sport, and gets recruited to play for the MLB, NFL, NBA etc. Honey, you just booked yourself a one way stability ticket! Don’t screw it up! I’m kidding..or am I?

Moving on, let me just ask you this…is he cute or does he just play a sport? Trust me, the whole fasade may blind you. Currently, I’m thinking of the football player I fell in love with when I went looking through that roster…he had the nice broad shoulders, tall, dark, handsome, and HELLOOOO he’s on the PSU football team. With this particular guy though, I can say he is cute and the sport is a big bonus. If you know you’ll take a second glance when you walk past him, for example, on Pollock Rd., then you know he’s actually cute.

If you want to get yourself a jock, you need to work for it. Go out there and make yourself visible to the football, basketball, lacrosse, soccer and baseball players. Even the wrestlers can be jocks too, so check them out also.

Put yourself out there and don’t forget to watch out for the jock on campus.




ps. this blog should be taken lightly


September 17

You Either Play or Get Played

This blog is to help all ladies (and gentlemen) out. I’ve dealt with way too many friends crying over boys (and girls) who have just been…well, players. So, I am here to tell you rule #1: you either play or get played. In this post, I will be going in depth for both sides by bringing in true accounts of my friends experiences. In case any of are wondering, some examples of a modern-day player would be Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ms. Taylor Swift. Image result for taylor swift

First, I took to Instagram and put a poll up asking how many people have been played, or have played someone. Out of 51 people, 36 voted that they’ve been played, and 15 have voted that they played someone. This information translates to 71% of people being played and 29% having played someone. Keep this in mind as the blog ensues.

Now, this topic may be a hard to pill to swallow, but it is good to know what guy to stay away from. There is the Brad. Do not date Brad, the guy you met the first week of college who just so happens to be in frat, it is not worth it and he is just playing you to get what he wants. On the contrary, if your name is Abigail and you meet Samuel senior year in the library, chances are you’ll probably get married.
In short, go after the Samuels, and not the Brads.

You may be asking, how are they playing me?

He starts by convincing you that he cares, but in reality he doesn’t… at all. He makes you feel special (you know how) by calling you “honey”, “baby” etc., and the most popular, “You’re like the only person I’m talking to right now, and I’ve never felt this way about anyone else EVER.” He is LYING.

He is the exemplary guy the first two weeks; you want your parents to meet him. He gets you invested in the relationship. Then, like a switch, he plays the game of who can care less more by cancelling plans or by hanging out with girls and saying they’re just friends. PRO TIP: ALWAYS WORRY ABOUT THE GIRL HE TELLS YOU TO NEVER WORRY ABOUT!!!!!

Before we continue there is a specific player we need to address, and that’s the cheater. Last week, my best friend, who we will call Rosa, was cheated on by her boyfriend during his first week at college with 3 times. Here’s the kicker: they have matching tattoos of each others first initial on their wrists. He denied and denied, but her guy friend, who also happened to be his friend, told Rosa the truth. She said she should’ve seen it coming as he was engaging in funny behavior (ex. becoming private suddenly, changing his profile picture of the two of them to him and the boys, his follower account going up, lack of communication etc.). She broke it off, and he sends her texts trying to get her back. He even went as far as sending her love songs. A few days ago she went and got her tattoo covered up with the female strength symbol. Hell yeah, girl power!

However, she used to be a player in high school. I asked her for some of her old tips, and she said to keep who you’re talking to at that time private. Never say or tell people how many times you’ve hung out, or even who it is you’re hanging out with. Basically, just seem really boring. In addition, she also said to make sure that the different guys that you are talking to, do not know each other or else its done. Finally, for all you players, the last piece of advice she said is to not get attached.

Now ladies, I texted my guy friend to bring in the male perspective on the topic today, and the research I have is astonishing and a bit offensive, so get ready.

My guy friend who we will call Ryan said to gain the girl’s trust so they’re wrapped around your finger. Tell them some facts about yourself so they convince themselves that you are opening up to them. Next, Ryan said to pretend like you really care by dressing up to see her, going to her house, and taking her out (or act like it at least), then get what you want, and ghost her. He said to think of it as a split timeline of two different girls, and the main objective is to make sure they don’t know or end up meeting each other. His other piece of advice is to keep a roster so that these girls are always within close proximity, and down for him, but keep them at a distance so they don’t ask questions.

Ryan gave me this analogy: “Squeeze the lemon for all the juice it’s got or squeeze it just for your cup of lemonade and then throw it in the trash.” Take that information in stride, ladies and gentlemen.

Now, Ryan was played. He said that he can see it coming, because girls don’t emotionally lie as well as guys, and it’s easy to tell by her eyes that she’s not genuine. Although, he admits it does hurt more, because the roles are reversed, and it is usually more personal. He states that guys will cheat at anytime and it’s not thought out, but for girls its premeditated and that hurts more.

So, to wrap this up….

Here’s a last piece of advice: do NOT play yourself. Remember that.

The last thing I have to say is that there are many ways you can go about playing somebody, but don’t underestimate how it feels to be the one who’s getting played, because you know what they say about Karma….

also…don’t forget to watch out for the player on campus.




ps. this blog should be taken lightly.