“Raw” data extracted from the NOAA database, automatically updated once per month.
INX discrete flask measurements from NOAA/INSTAAR/GNS Science may be accessed from the secure FTP server at NOAA. You may access the secure FTP server as follows:
$ sftp inx@sftp.cmdl.noaa.gov
You will be asked for a password. The required password may be obtained
from Jocelyn Turnbull (j.turnbull@gns.cri.nz).
sftp> cd outgoing
sftp> ls
sftp> get <filename> or mget *
If you are unable to log in using the correct password, please try again
after an hour.
“Data Product” with the calculated enhancements in all the gases, relative to Site 01, including calculation of fossil fuel CO2 (Turnbull)
Influx team members can access these results here: Data download Data download