
Kenion, H.C., K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, V.C. Monteiro, S.J. Richardson, and J.P. Horne: Estimation of greenhouse gas fluxes from mole fraction measurements using Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory.  Accepted.

Monteiro, V., N.L. Miles, K.J. Davis, A.J. Deng, Y. Pan, T. Lauvaux, S. Richardson, and J. Turnbull:  Modeling nocturnal data for determination of urban greenhouse gas emissions.  J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 129,

Vogel, E., K.J. Davis, K. Wu, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, K.R. Gurney, and V. Monteiro:  Using eddy covariance to measure the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on CO2 emissions in Indianapolis, IN.  Carbon Balance Management, 15(1),

Mitchell, L.E., J.C Lin, L. Hutyra, D.R Bowling, R.C. Cohen, K. Davis, E. DiGangi, R.M. Duren, J.R. Ehleringer, C. Fain, M. Falk, A. Guha, A. Karion, R.F. Keeling, J. Kim, N.L. Miles, C.E. Miller, S. Newman, D.E. Pataki, S. Prinzivalli, X. Ren, A. Rice, S.J. Richardson, X. Ren, M. Sargent, B.B. Stephens, J. Turnbull, K.R. Verhulst, F. Vogel, R.F. Weiss, J. Whetstone, and S.C. Wofsy:  A multi-city atmospheric greenhouse gas measurement data synthesis.  Sci. Data 9(361), 2022.

Wu, K., K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, T. Lauvaux, D.P. Sarmiento, N.V. Balashov, K. Keller, J. Turnbull, and K.R. Gurney:  Source decomposition of eddy-covariance CO2 flux measurements for evaluating a high-resolution urban CO2 emissions inventory.  Environ. Res. Lett., 17(7), 074035, 2022.

Monteiro, V., N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, J. Turnbull, A. Karion, J. Kim, L. Mitchell, J.C. Lin, M. Sargent, S. Wofsy, F. Vogel, K.J. Davis:  The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on greenhouse gases: A multi-city analysis of in situ atmospheric observations. Environ. Res. Comm., 4, 041004, 2022.

Miles, N.L., K.J. Davis, S.J. Richardson, T. Lauvaux, D.K. Martins, A.J. Deng, N. Balashov, K.R. Gurney, J. Liang, G. Roest, J.A. Wang, and J.C. Turnbull:  The influence of near-field fluxes on seasonal CO2 enhancements:  Results from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX).   Carbon Balance Management, 16:4,, 2021.

Balashov, N.V., K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, T. Lauvaux, S.J. Richardson, Z.R. Barkley, and T.A. Bonin:  Background heterogeneity and other uncertainties in estimating urban methane flux: Results from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4545–4559,, 2020.

Lauvaux, T., K.R. Gurney, N.L. Miles, K.J. Davis, S.J. Richardson, A. Deng, B.J. Nathan, T. Oda, J.A.Wang, L.R. Hutyra, and J.C.Turnbull: Policy-relevant assessment of urban greenhouse gas emissions, Environ. Sci. Tech.,, 2020.

Vimont, I.J., J.C. Turnbull, V.V. Petrenko, P.F. Place, C. Sweeney, N. Miles, S. Richardson, B.H. Vaughn, and J.W.C. White:  An improved estimate for the δ13C and δ18O signatures of carbon  monoxide produced from atmospheric oxidation of volatile organic compounds, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 8547–8562,, 2019.

Turnbull, J., A. Karion, K.J. Davis, T. Lauvaux, N. Miles, S. Richardson, C. Sweeney, K. McKain, S. Lehman, K. Gurney, R. Patarasuk, J. Liang, P. Shepson, A. Heimburger, R. Harvey, and J. Whetstone:  Synthesis of urban CO2 emission estimates from multiple methods from the Indianapolis Flux Project (INFLUX), Environ. Sci. Technol., 53 (1), 287–295,, 2019.

Wu, K., T. Lauvaux, K.J. Davis, A. Deng, I. Lopez-Coto, K.R. Gurney, R. Patarasuk:  Joint inverse estimation of fossil fuel and biogenic CO2 fluxes in an urban environment: An observing system simulation experiment to assess the impact of multiple uncertainties. Elem. Sci. Anth. 6(1),, 2018.

Nathan, B.J., T. Lauvaux, J. Turnbull, S.J. Richardson, N.L. Miles, and K.R. Gurney:  Source sector attribution of CO2 emissions using an urban CO/CO2 Bayesian inversion system, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123, 13,611–13,621,, 2018.

Davis, K.J., A. Deng, T. Lauvaux, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, D.P. Sarmiento, K.R. Gurney, R.M. Hardesty, T.A. Bonin, W.A. Brewer, B.K. Lamb, P.B. Shepson, R.M. Harvey, M.O. Cambaliza, C. Sweeney, J.C. Turnbull, J. Whetstone and A. Karion:  The Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX): A test-bed for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission measurement and monitoring.  Elem. Sci. Anth., 5(21),, 2017.

Richardson, S.J., N.L. Miles, K.J. Davis, T. Lauvaux, D. Martins, J. Turnbull, C. Sweeney:  Tower measurement network of in-situ CO2, CH4, and CO in support of the Indianapolis FLUX (INFLUX) Experiment. Elem. Sci. Anth., 5(59),, 2017.

Gaudet, B.J., T. Lauvaux, A. Deng, and K.J. Davis:  Exploration of the impact of nearby sources on atmospheric inversions using large eddy simulation. Elem. Sci. Anth.  5(60),, 2017.

Deng, A. T. Lauvaux, B. Gaudet, N. Miles, K. J. Davis, K. Wu, D. Sarmiento, M. Hardesty, T. Bonin and A. Brewer:  Toward Reduced Transport Errors in a High Resolution Urban CO2 Inversion System during Sept – Oct 2013 of the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX).  Elem. Sci. Anth., 5(20),, 2017.

Sarmiento, D.P., K.J. Davis, A. Deng, T. Lauvaux, A. Brewer, M. Hardesty: A comprehensive assessment of land surface-atmosphere interactions in a WRF/Urban modeling system for Indianapolis, IN. Elem. Sci. Anth., 5:23. DOI:, 2017.

Miles, N.L., S.J. Richardson, T. Lauvaux, K.J. Davis, J. Turnbull, A. Karion, C. Sweeney, K.R. Gurney, R. Patarasuk, I. Razlivanov, M.O. Cambaliza, and P. Shepson:  Quantification of urban atmospheric boundary layer greenhouse gas dry mole fraction enhancements:  Results from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX).   Elem. Sci. Anth., 5(27),, 2017.

Oda, T., T. Lauvaux, D. Lu, P. Rao, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson and K.R. Gurney:  On the impact of granularity of space-based urban CO2 emissions in urban atmospheric inversions: A case study for Indianapolis, IN.  Elem. Sci. Anth., 5(28),, 2017.

Gurney, K.R., J. Liang, R. Patarasuk, D. O’Keeffe, J. Huang, M. Hutchins, T. Lauvaux, J.C. Turnbull, P.B. Shepson, K.J. Davis, and J. Whetstone: Reconciling the differences between a bottom-up and inverse-estimated FFCO2 emissions estimate in a large US urban area.  Elem. Sci. Anth., 5:44,, 2017.

Lamb, B., M.O. Cambaliza, K. Davis, S. Edburg, T. Ferrara, C. Floerchinger, A. Heimburger, S. Herndon, T. Lavoie, T. Lauvaux, D. Lyon, N. Miles, K. Prasad, S. Richardson, J. Roscioli, O. Salmon, P. Shepson, B. Stirm, J. Whetstone:  Direct and indirect measurements and modeling of methane emissions in Indianapolis, Indiana,  Environ. Sci. Technol., 50(16), 8910–8917,, 2016.

Lauvaux, T., N.L. Miles, A. Deng, S.J. Richardson, M.O. Cambaliza, K.J. Davis, B. Gaudet, K.R. Gurney, J. Huang, D. O’Keeffe, Y. Song, A. Karion, T. Oda, R. Patarasuk, D. Sarmiento, P. Shepson, C. Sweeney, J. Turnbull, and K. Wu:  High resolution atmospheric inversion of urban CO2 emissions during the dormant season of the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX), J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024473, 2016.

Turnbull, J. C., Zondervan, A., Kaiser, J., Norris, M., Dahl, J., Baisden, W. T., and Lehman, S. J.: High-precision atmospheric 14CO2 measurement at the Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory. Radiocarbon, 57(3): 377 – 388,, 2015.

Turnbull, J., C. Sweeney, A. Karion, T. Newberger, P. Tans, S. Lehman, K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, T. Lauvaux, M.O. Cambaliza, P. Shepson, K. Gurney, R. Patarasuk, A. Zondervan:  Towards quantification and source sector identification of fossil fuel CO2 emissions from an urban area: Results from the INFLUX experiment. J. Geophys. Res.,, 2015.

Cambaliza, M.O.L., P.B. Shepson, J. Bogner, D.R. Caulton, B. Stirm, C. Sweeney, S.A. Montzka, K.R. Gurney, K. Spokas, O.E. Salmon, T.N. Lavoie, A. Hendricks, K. Mays, J. Turnbull, B.R. Miller, K. Davis, A. Karion, B. Moser, C. Miller, C. Obermeyer, J. Whetstone, K. Prasad, N. Miles, and S. Richardson:  Quantification and source apportionment of the methane emission flux from the city of Indianapolis, Elementa,, 2014.

Cambaliza, M.O., P.B. Shepson, D. Caulton, B. Stirm, D. Samarov, K. Gurney, J. Turnbull, K.J. Davis, A. Possolo, A. Karion, C. Sweeney, B. Moser, A. Hendricks, T. Lauvaux, K. Mays, J. Whetstone, J. Huang, I. Razlivanov, N. Miles, and S.J. Richardson:  Assessment of uncertainties of an aircraft-based mass-balance approach for quantifying urban greenhouse gas emissions.   Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 9029-9050,, 2014.

Rella, C. W., Chen, H., Andrews, A. E., Filges, A., Gerbig, C., Hatakka, J., Karion, A., Miles, N.L., Richardson, S. J., Steinbacher, M., Sweeney, C., Wastine, B., and Zellweger, C.: High accuracy measurements of dry mole fractions of carbon dioxide and methane in humid air, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 837-860,, 2013.

Turnbull, J., Guenther, D., Karion, A., Sweeney, C., Anderson, E., Andrews, A., Kofler, J., Miles, N., Newberger, T., Richardson, S., and Tans, P.: An integrated flask sample collection system for greenhouse gas measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 2321-2327,, 2012.

Gurney, K.R., Razlivanov, I., Song, Y. Zhou, Y., Benes, B., M. Abdul-Massih: Quantification of fossil fuel CO2 at the building/street scale for a large US city, Environmental Science and Technology,, 2012.


Information concerning instrumentation and sites collecting data can be found at  Data available online include the following:  Indianapolis airport weather data, Purdue University aircraft data, NWS Rawinsode data, Penn State University tower in-situ data, Penn State University eddy covariance data, NOAA/GNS Science flask data from both towers and aircraft as both raw measured values and as enhancements over background (a more user-friendly format), links to Vulcan and Hestia websites, and a link to NOAA HALO and HRDL websites.

Additionally, several datasets have been published to The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons and elsewhere:

Miles, N.L., S.J. Richardson, K.J. Davis, and B.J. Haupt, 2017. In-situ tower atmospheric measurements of carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide mole fraction for the Indianapolis Flux (INFLUX) project, Indianapolis, IN, USA.  Data set. Available on-line [] from The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Shepson, P., O. Cambaliza, R. Harvey, A. Heimburger, K. Hajny, O. Salmon, K. Mays, 2017.  Aircraft data for INFLUX.  Data set. Available on-line [] from The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Sarmiento, D.P., and K.J. Davis, 2017.  Eddy covariance flux tower data for Indianapolis, IN (INFLUX project).  Data set. Available on-line [] from The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Sarmiento, D.P., and K.J. Davis, 2017.  Physics scheme sensitivity simulation output data for Indianapolis, IN (INFLUX project).  Data set. Available on-line [] from The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Lauvaux, T., A. Deng, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, and K.J. Davis, 2019. Tower footprints for the Indianapolis Flux Experiment network (2012–2015).  Data set.  Available on-line [] from The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Mitchell, L., J.C. Lin, L.R. Hutyra, M. Sargent, S.C. Wofsy, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, K.R. Verhulst, R.M. Duren, A. Rice, R.C. Cohen, A. Shusterman, S. Newman, and A. Guha, 2019. NACP: Urban Greenhouse Gases across the CO2 Urban Synthesis and Analysis Network. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

NOAA Carbon Cycle Group ObsPack Team, 2019. Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1957–2018. Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division.

Deng, A.J., T. Lauvaux, Miles, N.L., and K.J. Davis, 2020: Meteorological fields over Indianapolis, IN from the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF v3.5.1).  Data set. Available on-line [] from The Pennsylvania State University Data Commons, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

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