Alcohol plus anti-anxiety medication effects on brain

GABA is a common acid found in the brain and is the main inhibitor of neurons in the brain. It is responsible for stopping cells from continuously firing. This is important for humans and mammals and low amounts of GABA have been known to be a factor for seizures. When ingesting alcohol, ethanol is absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually the brain. Ethanol when in the brain causes GABA receptors to open ion channels and therefore GABA effects are multiplied. With GABA effects increasing more cells begin to stop firing or firing less. This is why motor function and speech is impaired when alcohol is consumed. Adderall or other anti-anxiety medications are taken sometimes by people before parties or while drinking alcohol. Adderall has the opposite effect on the brain compared to alcohol, stimulating the senses, feeling more alert, etc. When both Adderall and alcohol are taken together it can be dangerous for the consumer. The consumer even if drinking heavily will not feel the drunkenness as much which can cause the consumer to drink even more alcohol. This can result in a massive amount of alcohol intake, alcohol poisoning, and possible death.

This relates to my life, while at the beach, with my friends, and drinking, one of my friends decided to take Adderall, however no one knew that he had took it. Throughout the day, he began drinking heavily and being a heavy drinker we did not really take notice. In the afternoon, he passed out on his bed and we left him to sleep it off for a little. When he awoke he began drinking again and unsurprisingly soon passed out again. We became somewhat worried but not enough to stop partying or wake him up. The next day when we all awoke he was still sleeping. Being somewhat late in the day we decided to wake him up. He woke up but was not acting himself at all, he constantly kept thinking he saw our landlord outside the house, but when we investigated, no one was there. He also kept thinking he was urinating himself when in reality he wasn’t. At this point we were pretty concerned for his well being and gave his parents a call. They came down, picked him up, and drove him to a hospital. He had to stay in the hospital for a couple days due to severe alcohol poisoning. Although he eventually recovered, it was a scary experience for not only him but all of us as well. It is important to understand that taking anti-anxiety medicine while drinking can have some very dangerous effects and one should always be mindful of how many drinks are consumed.


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