Hyperthymesia and Hollywood

In psych we learned about memory and memory impairments. One of the topics we spoke about was memory loss and when people can’t forget anything. We called that hyperthymesia. I found it really interesting that people with this condition aren’t able to be functional. I also found it interesting how Hollywood and tv glamorize conditions and/or give false interpretations. Besides the movie 50 First Dates giving us a false idea of memory loss, a show on CBS called Unforgettable gives us a false interpretation of hyperthymesia. The show’s about a woman who helps solve crimes because she can remember everything including the crime scene, witnesses, and facts from the case. Using all of these things she makes this memory condition look glamorous as by being an unstoppable crime fighter and a confident woman in a make dominant precinct. When we spoke about this condition in class, I was shocked that actually a woman that I look up to actually wouldn’t be functional in real life. It is amazing what TV makes us believe is real when in reality, no one would want to have a condition like that.

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