Public Deliberation Attendance Reaction

Choosing which deliberation to attend for me was a no brainer. As a very passionate Immunology & Infectious Disease major, attending the deliberation titled “Conversation About Inoculation: Vaccine Decisions in an Increasingly Global World”, was the obvious choice for me. Having never attended a deliberation, I was unsure what to expect. To my surprise, I […]

Running, Youth, and Life Lessons

On this, Martin Luther King Day, what better time to reflect on a moment of civic engagement in my life than on this historically remembered day for civic engagement. Reflecting on civic engagement instances in my life is actually a harder feat for me to accomplish than one would expect, because I tend to downplay […]

Death of the Elms

The first elm trees were planted on the Pennsylvania State University campus around the 1890’s, not long after the founding of the University itself which was in 1855. The very elms that have seen the university flourish and grow into the massive university that we all know it as today, have been plagued. Out of the […]

Emma Watson: A New Age of Feminism

  Emma Watson, the Harry Potter girl from my childhood book series, has most recently appeared at the U.N. as the new ambassador for U.N. Women. Many of you I’m sure have seen this video posted all over Facebook, twitter, etc, and I myself have seen the video pop up in my newsfeed multiple times, […]

The Walk to Trump All Walks

  Leaves are changing, midterms are approaching, we have all begun to pray for Thanksgiving break, and in the midst of our mid semester emotional turmoil, the nature on campus is still absolutely breathtaking. Most students have probably at least heard of the Arboretum, even if  only in a passing conversation, but not all have swung by […]

The Art of Persuasion

Chapter 3: Rhetorical Activities Question 3: Rhetoric, persuasion, heated arguments, etc are a part of everyday life. People are constantly trying to persuade someone to agree with their beliefs, views, ideas, while the other party can either be impartial or strongly opposed. Nowadays, debates generally turn into heated arguments that include one or both parties […]

Civic Engagement Speech: Brainstorm

For the civic engagement speech, after reading the requirements and weighing both options, I think I will be doing the second option for my speech. A civic life interview with someone at least 10 years older than myself as well as all the peers I spend so much time with, would really give some new […]

My Passions

Somethings that I am passionate about: the human body (in the medical aspect), cats, botany, music, pottery, mission trips, church, family, travel, etc. Which passion I would like to pursue for the duration of this blogging period, my mind has not yet decided. I suppose a blog about viruses, the immune system, or how cancer […]

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