Pop-up activism: pop-up against coronavirus

Pop app libri animati” is an ongoing initiative undertaken by the Fondazione Tancredi di Barolo, jointly formed by Professor Pompeo Vagliani and Professor Gianfranco Crupi. The multipronged initiative that covers research, conservation and educational outreach is  supported by local and regional governments and La Sapienza University in Rome.

The foundation has an impressive collection of movable books in Italian and different languages across time including some spectacular and little known ones even to specialists in the field. In 2019 they held an exhibition in two locations, Rome and Turin.  It was called Pop-App. Science, art and play in the history of animated books from paper to app.

This link shows a virtual tour of the impressive objects, organized in rooms based on genres and introducing to non-European viewers Italian movables:


The follow up event was an international conference scheduled for Feb. 27-28 in Turin Italy. It was cancelled abruptly by the start of the onslaught of the coronavirus. Intrepidly they turned their attention in two directions. Professor Crupi is spearheading the English translation of the collection of essays based on their curated exhibit in 2019 in Rome and Turin called Pop-App. Science, art and play in the history of animated books from paper to the app, which will soon be available on their website. Professor Vagliani has turned his attention away from scholarly investigation of the pop-up books to activism with children who are housed inside for long periods due to the outbreak of the corona virus.

When I was in contact with Professor Vagliani to inquire how they were faring, on March 18, 2020 he wrote back to describe his new initiative. He stated that while they are waiting to be able to reprogram the various initiatives, they have started a collaborative venture between Italian designer Massimo Missiroli and Chinese artist Guan Zhongping to entertain and instruct children through the medium of movable books:

Meanwhile we started, in collaboration with pop-up designer Massimo Missiroli, the initiative “Pop Up against the coronavirus” which aims to involve and raise awareness among children and schools on knowledge and prevention of the virus through the educational and creative potential of movable books. […]

The project consists in making available online downloadable models and tutorials to create animated tables and small pop-up books from home that have as their subject fantastic stories against the virus or insights on prevention practices. All materials made so far can be downloaded at this link https://www.pop-app.org/costruisci-il-tuo-pop-up-contro-il-virus/

He goes on to describe the work of Guan Zhongping in China:

The idea stems from a similar experience promoted in China by animated book expert Guan Zhongping, involving pop-up designers, families and children in isolation at home during the epidemic. Photos and videos of pop-up products made in China are available exclusively on the pop-app site: https://www.pop-app.org/pop-up-contro-il-coronavirus/.

Since I am on the Foundation listserv, I received notice of further collaboration with Dutch pop up designer Paul De Graaf who has devised a pop-up mask (not medical). In addition to imaginative adapting of fairy tale and folktale figures of witches, intrepid child heroes a magic cloud and magic cow, there is rendering of life for children today. This includes a model of living under quarantine in an apartment with balconies.

Download the color template “Quarantine pop up card”

Download the black and white template, to be colored

This link to their YouTube page shows 84 animations of selected books–some from the collection but notably and importantly including books from the activist project “Pop-up against coronavirus:”


This includes tutorials such as the evokingly entitled – Tutorial “Pop up contro il coronavirus” including that of a mask. The templates for making pop-ups are available in three languages: Italian, French and English and the logo is “united even from a distance.”

When I went to the emerging page devoted to the children’s artworks, I saw a jack in a box hero.

I am awed by the resilience and creativity of the foundation in this extremely difficult time for Italy and by the power of transnational collaborations that are occurring across Europe and oceans.


Behind the scenes of a slowly unfurling performance


Participating as guest curator on the “Playing to Learn; Learning as Play” exhibit has been a novel learning experience for me. I have always loved going to special collections displays as well as to art gallery shows and wandering around, gazing at the artifacts, reading the labels and signs, and pondering what story I see being told to the perambulating viewer. To be involved with such a display has been one of my non-secret dreams. The difference between imagining such a role and doing the role is vastly different and in some ways parallels the difference between being a library user or reader, an outsider role, and a worker in a collection, an insider role. The reference desk in a rare books room symbolizes the separation and is the liminal space between. I have now temporarily gone behind the desk to enter the secret library, the one that appears at night when it is closed to the public.


A number of times over the winter Sandy and I have stayed after hours or come in early before the library opens to work on the display: to search the catalogue, to decide on what materials to select, to sort objects in groups and one memorable day to gingerly lay the objects in a possible order on top of the closed display cases with another display still inside! This was in order to gain a sense of the visual impact of the items and their potential location within the cases and to understand the relation between the cases and so determine their numbering. The proximity and order helps us determine a potential route for a visitor and their movement amongst the overall display, which also includes posters on walls, high display cases, and a large screen. A daunting activity for me was when we had to write promotional material before the display was in its final form. This is the complete opposite of academic writing.


This turn-around world reminds me of a couple of things. One is a silly movie set in a large natural science museum at night—it had Ben Stiller as the lead actor—and the various prehistoric creatures had a busy and complicated night life. In our situation, the objects did not come alive when we were working as did his dinosaurs, but the idea of a secret world waiting to unfurl was very present. The experience also reminded me of working backstage with many others to create a slowly unfurling theatrical performance for the public who only see a finished product. Moreover, the display is not a static entity but an active constellation of objects temporarily fixed in a case. Still more are being added. And like any performance or instillation, it is temporary.


Come one, come all to our big show!

game board masquerade blocks - verticalCome one come all to the display Sandy Stelts and I are co-curating in special collections at Penn State library! Images of old circus flyers and sounds of the old Ed Sullivan show merge in my head as I announce it.

Called “Playing to Learn, Learning as Play: 17th- to 19th-century ‘Play-things’ for Children” it is new exhibition on through June 3 in the Special Collections Library, 104 Paterno Library, on Penn State’s University Park campus. The exhibition features dozens of 17th- to 19th-century children’s ‘play-things’ — including toys, games and books once owned by busy, active children.

The materials range from geographic and moral board games to dissected maps or puzzles; from paper dolls to metamorphic turn-up books; and from antic harlequinades to complex movable books.

Some of these items enabled children to make artifacts themselves, as 17th-century philosopher John Locke urged in his famous dictum in Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693). Learning and playing had not previously been linked together, and Locke argued that children’s learning should be a playful, interactive experience.

The materials in the exhibition trace the interconnected European, British and American trajectory in the development of educational “play-things,” and they all invited participatory engagement with children who were readers, viewers and players. The invitation to participate actively was achieved in different ways: by working with drawing kits, construction toys, storytelling blocks and toy theaters, for example. To enhance this aspect, we displayed items, as much as possible, shown in process of being played with, whether a construction toy or story telling cards or paper doll book.

The library site also includes a couple of lovely photos that I include below taken by Jill Shockey. The first shows a board game with play in process. The Swiss puzzle “To the far west” invites you into the display and travel around winding through the 12 cases. It also shows the travel trajectory many of the items, from Europe to the United States. The second items are   masquerade blocks and flat wooden pieces similarly captured in play. They are three dimensional and two dimensional visual storytelling games, much like today’s head, body and tail books and toys.

My doctoral student Laura D’Aveta took a photo of me standing beside the poster outside the library. I was taken by surprise but thrilled as you can see. Imagine this blog entry as me hailing to one and all to come into our display. I will describe the items, categories, route of the display and the long genesis in later posts.
