By Alan W. Shay, data analyst
ACRL is seeking applications from all types of higher education institutions for 75 teams to participate in the first cohort of “Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success (AiA),” made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and described on the AiA program homepage.
Librarians will each lead a campus team in developing and implementing an action learning project which examines the impact of the library on student success and contributes to assessment activities on campus. They will be supported in this work by a professional development program with sequenced learning events and activities at key junctures. The AiA program, part of ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries initiative, employs a blended learning environment and a peer-to-peer network over the course of the 14-month long program, which runs from April 2013-June 2014.
The Library Assessment and Metrics Council is seeking individuals who have an idea for a project topic with the potential to contribute to the greater library and higher education community. Neither a complete plan nor a list of team members are necessary to have in place at this time.
If you have a potential project topic and/or an interest to participate in the AiA program, please contact the Library Assessment and Metrics Council via by Friday, February 8, 2013. For more information on the AiA application process, please visit the AiA application website.