Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 27
Discovery Day: Friday, March 1, 2013
Registration for Discovery Day, the University Park Libraries’ annual in-service day, ends February 27. To see the schedule and descriptions of activities being offered this year, go to:
To register for activities, go to TechSmart and click on “List All Classes”. TechSmart can be found at:
Food: The Libraries United Way Committee is partnering with Discovery Day to offer Homan’s Hoagies and pizzas for lunch. Food can be picked up near Mann Assembly Room between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm on Friday, March 1. Make checks payable to Amy Miller and send cash or checks to Donna Dean (126 Paterno). Deadline to order is February 22. See for more information.
If you would like to volunteer to help during Discovery Day, please sign up here:
All full- and part-time employees are invited to attend Discovery Day. Please check with your supervisor before registering.