Discovery Day 2013 at University Park will be held on March 1.
Registration is now open – please go to
Discovery Day 2013 at University Park will be held on March 1.
Registration is now open – please go to
Newly indexed content in LionSearch:
Key Databases and Packages
Summon Participating Publishers
Summon Serials Titles
By Sherry Lonsdale, database specialist
A new Library Value Webcast Series has been launched by ARL and LibValue Project. The series of webcasts will be held from February through August.
Topics include: Undergraduate Student Success, Commons Spaces Value, Books and E-Books, Comprehensive Approaches to Defining Library Value, Success in Teaching and Research, and Digitized Special Collections.
The LibValue project is a collaboration among the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Libraries, and the Association of Research Libraries, with partners at Syracuse University and Bryant University. The webcasts will highlight the findings and results of a three year study outlining the various ways Libraries create value.
The first topic in the series focuses on Undergraduate Student Success. Thursday, February 14, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Presented by: Rachel Fleming-May, assistant professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee; Regina Mays, assistant professor and assessment librarian, University of Tennessee Libraries; Teresa Walker, associate professor and head, Integrated User Services, University of Tennessee Libraries. You can sign up for one or all six sessions and see them live. To register for the series or obtain more details, please see the program website. There is no fee for attending these webcasts, and they will be recorded and available on ARL’s YouTube channel after each live event.
New Hires:
2/1/13 Alexandra Bainbridge, Information Resources and Services Support Specialist (Archives Assistant), Special Collections
2/1/13 Valerie Sebestyen, Donald W. Hamer Maps Library
Dependent Verification Update
Now that the Dependent Verification Program is underway, privacy and security has remained a top concern. A new link has been added to the OHR website Dependent Verification Program page,, specifically addressing Aon Hewitt’s policy and how they are safeguarding our submitted documentation. (Aon Hewitt is the human resource company hired by Penn State to assist with this documentation.)
Additionally, below are some of the most recent questions regarding the program. They have been added to the Frequently Asked Questions document:
What if I have not received copies of my vital records before March 30, 2013? Or if I have extenuating circumstances, such as a sabbatical leave, that prevents me from accessing my records until after March 30, 2013?
If you have a circumstance that prevents you from effectively submitting your documents prior to March 30, 2013, we strongly encourage you to contact Aon Hewitt so they can notate your record with the information. Extensions may be made on a case-by-case basis only, depending on the circumstance. Additionally, consideration for an extension beyond the March 30, 2013 deadline will be made only if the issue is on record with Aon Hewitt.
My child’s Pennsylvania birth certificate indicates “Warning: it is illegal to duplicate this copy by photostat or photograph” at the bottom. Should I be concerned?
No, Aon Hewitt has verified with all state agencies that photocopying the birth certificate for this “administrative purpose” is permitted.
For verification of spouses, a marriage certificate is required. How will I know if my marriage certificate will be accepted?
The marriage certificate must be “government issued”, which must include the COUNTY NAME. It is important to note that each county has their own layout for their marriage certificate, but if the county name is on it, those typically are the government-issued documents that are acceptable. If you are unsure if your marriage certificate will be accepted, please submit it and Aon Hewitt will contact you if further information is needed. Employees should contact Aon Hewitt directly at 1-888-223-3338 with questions and/or concerns.
Health Information Flyer (opens PDF)