Submitted by Binky Lush
Bloomsbury Qatar
Bloomsbury Qatar is an Arab publisher of 7 open access peer-reviewed journals in medical, health, Islamic studies, engineering, and social sciences.
Hamburg University Press
This content is from the Thesis Server of the State and University Library of Hamburg. It is an Open Access Repository. DBID ~4V.
Now Publishers Foundations and Trends: Now Books.
Pennsylvania State University Press: Scholarly journals from PSU Press.
Rock’s Backpages
Rock’s Backpages covers five decades of history, over 18,000 articles, interviews, and reviews for modern and contemporary music libraries and cultural studies collections. This resource was awarded Runner-Up in Library Journal’s best databases of 2011. DBID A7V.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Contains their entire ebooks collection index at the chapter level. The SIAM e-book library features almost 400 ebooks for applied mathematics and computational science communities.
As a reminder, you can see all of the content currently indexed in LionSearch here.