By Trish Notartomas
Are you thinking about weeding or annexing a portion of your collection this summer and need a place to start? Here’s one idea – look at the items that never circulated.
Use the All Catalog Measures Module.
Select a location for your library in the Home Location filter.
Select Never in the Date Last Checked Out filter (uncheck the All box, then check the Never box)
Select Book and Serial (or Book, Bookfloat, and Serial at a campus) in the Item Type filter
Swap the LC Call Number filter in the dimension pool with the Item Library filter in the report area. Click the blue plus (+) symbol to the left of All to expand the LC Call Number filter.
Continue to click the plus (+) symbols to drill down to a desired call number range.
To ignore recently published material, uncheck current pub years in the Year Published filter. And/Or uncheck current years in the Date Copy Created filter to exclude recently cataloged items.
To generate a list of items, highlight a Total Copies number (left-click, hold and drag), and click on Show Shelflist. Print this report output, or save paper and export to Excel to print.