Expanded hours and services for finals

Penn State University Libraries are expanding hours and services to help students with end of the semester research and finals study needs.

Pattee and Paterno Libraries will open Sunday, December 8, 10 a.m. for continuous 24-hour service until closing Friday, December 20, 7 p.m. This includes the Tombros and McWhirter Knowledge Commons on the first and ground floors of Pattee Library, west and ground floor central.

Within the two buildings a variety of group study rooms for 2 to 16 people can be reserved at www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/infosvcs/gpstudy/group_study.html. Plus monitors at the entrance to the building display real-time computer availability at www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/infosvcs/compavailpatteepaterno.html.

Additional branch library locations include the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library, Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, Engineering Library, and Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library. See www.libraries.psu.edu/hours for details.

Late-night CATA bus service will run to approximately 2:15 a.m., December 8–21, with the last pick up at the Curtin Road transport station. The extended service is courtesy of Information Technology Services and the Libraries.

In addition, the University Police Auxiliary offer a “Safe Walk” escort service, dusk to dawn, 365 days a year, on-campus location or home within a reasonable walking distance off-campus. Call 814-865-9255 (WALK)

Coffee and snacks will be provided by the Libraries in 103 Paterno Library, 6–8 p.m., Dec. 15 to Dec. 18.

For late-night hunger, MacKinnon’s Café, ground-level, west Pattee Library, will be open to 1 a.m., beginning Dec. 11 through December 18, excluding December 14, when it closes at 11 p.m.

For a full list of hours, call MacKinnon’s Café at 814-865-9380.