Title: Sustainability and Strategic Planning
Presenters: Jeremy Bean and Rob Andrejewski, Penn State Sustainability Institute
Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2:00 p.m., Foster Auditorium, UP / Media Site Live
By Mike Furlough
As part of our strategic planning efforts this year, the University has asked that the Libraries and all units address sustainability planning. The Libraries have taken environmental sustainability very seriously in recent years, expanding our recycling efforts and forming “green teams” to help us reduce our environmental impacts. But how should the Libraries think about Sustainability as a strategic issue? What are the unique contributions we can make to the University’s sustainability efforts?
Please join us on Tuesday, December 17, at 2p.m., in Foster Auditorium (or via MediaSite Live), for a discussion of sustainability planning at Penn State. Jeremy Bean and Rob Andrejewski of the Penn State Sustainability Institute will provide background on the University’s efforts and how other academic colleges are integrating sustainability into their programs. Discussion will focus on how the Libraries can define and address sustainability in our own strategic plan for 2014-19.
Jeremy Bean is the Assistant Director for Sustainability Planning and Operations within the Sustainability Institute at Penn State. His primary responsibility is to facilitate sustainability planning across all areas of the university. His work helps to deepen the understanding of sustainability and draw forth unique contributions to sustainability that are supported by the mission of the unit. Jeremy also works to identify strategic educational assets that can be created to support the mission of the University in a way that creates collaboration and builds capacity for change. The most exciting part of his work is getting to meet and work with many diverse and amazing individuals.
Rob Andrejewski is Associate Director of Engagement at Penn State’s Sustainability Institute. Rob develops processes to engage the campus community on sustainability-related topics, facilitates sustainability planning, and manages student programming. Rob regularly leads discussions on sustainability, behavior change, leadership, and a host of projects happening at Penn State. Rob received his PhD from Penn State in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management (RPTM), where he is now an affiliate faculty member. He is a Senior Fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program, a dynamic network of more than 500 of the nation’s top emerging environmental leaders.