Penn State University Libraries and the Interinstitutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge (ICIK) announce a call for proposals for the 2nd annual Student Indigenous Knowledge Research Awards. Application deadline is March 1, 2014. Two awards of up to $2000 will be presented. All full-time Penn State students, undergraduate and graduate at any Penn State campus, including Penn State World Campus, are eligible to apply. Research, to be conducted between April 2014 and January 2015, must be related to approved undergraduate coursework (e.g. capstone courses) or honors, masters or doctoral thesis topics. This is a competitive award process and proposal requirements are available at
The awards are funded by the University Libraries’ Marjorie Grant Whiting Endowment for the Advancement of Indigenous Knowledge. The endowment was created in 2008 with a gift from the California-based Marjorie Grant Whiting Center for Humanity, Arts and the Environment, established after Whiting’s death in 1995 as a way of preserving the scientific and humanistic legacy of a woman whose long and successful career as a nutritional anthropologist contributed to an understanding of the cultural interface between diet and health among people around the world.
For more information, please contact Helen Sheehy, head of the Social Sciences and Maps Libraries, at or 814-863-1347 and Amy Paster, head of the Life Sciences Library, at or 814-865-3708.