Submitted by Nina Clements, reference and instruction librarian, John D. Vairo Library, Penn State Brandywine
To celebrate National Library Week (April 13-19), Brandywine’s Vairo Library teamed up with English professor Beth Womack to host a book deconstruction workshop and contest. We were initially inspired by book sculptures she had previously created and thought a workshop would be a great way to get students excited about making art in the library. Students came together for a short common hour workshop and began to fold and slice into discarded books that staff members and others had donated for the event.

Workshop participants. Photo by Michael McDade
With the help of Professor Womack, we created a book display designed to inspire students, faculty, and staff to participate. A few students and I also promoted the event at Litapalooza, the campus’s annual literary festival, which helped to generate interest. All, in all, about 10 students and a few faculty and staff members participated, and we had seven contest entries.

Sculpture by Professor Beth Womack. Photo by Michael McDade

Contest winner Daniel García-Vargas took only 30 minutes to excavate this book with materials he found at the workshop. Photo by Nina Clements
This was a lively opportunity to show the campus that there are other things to be done to unwanted books besides tossing them in the recycling bin. They can easily be turned into works of art, and some of these pieces will remain on display until our next contest. We hope to turn it into an annual event.