On Wednesday, Nov.19, at 1:30 p.m., in Foster Auditorium, ICIK, the University Libraries and the Centre County United Nations Association (CC UNA) will present “Indigenous Knowledge for International Education.”
Norma Keller, representing CC UNA, Helen Sheehy, representing the Libraries and Audrey Maretzki, representing the ICIK (the Interinstiutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge), will discuss collaborative international educational initiatives.
Since 1995, The Interinstitutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge (ICIK) has engaged faculty, students and community residents in programs that bring indigenous and local knowledges into the classes, research programs and outreach initiatives of Penn State and community-based organizations. This event will illustrate how “other ways of knowing” can enhance the global learning experiences of students, expand the educational horizons of faculty and provide meaningful educational opportunities involving community residents.