iOS 9 Hidden Features

by Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator

ios-9-logo1By now you probably have heard that iOS 9 was recently released. The new version has many new features that you can find more about here.

What you may not know about is some interesting hidden features:

requestHave you ever wanted to load the desktop version of a page that doesn’t quite look right on Mobile? There’s a quick shortcut for just that in iOS 9: Just hold the refresh button in the URL bar. After a second or two, a prompt will allow you to request the desktop version of the current page.


Sometimes the apps that eat your battery the most are the ones you actually see the least.
iOS has long been able to tell you how much battery each app was guilty of eating, but now it provides an extra bit of information: the amount of time you were actually looking at it, compared to how much time it spent just devouring juice in the background. To expose the new info, go to Settings > Battery, then tap the clock icon at the top of the app list.