Open Access 101 program available online

This morning’s “Open Access 101” program held in Foster Auditorium and on MediaSite Live — in advance of international Open Access Week Oct. 19-25 — is now available online for viewing. The morning’s agenda was shared earlier on Library News.

The information from this morning’s presentations aims to prepare Libraries faculty and staff for addressing questions about Open Access and related Penn State resources, such as Scholarsphere, Open Access Publishing, and our Open Access Research Guide, among others.

As a reminder, the University Libraries now has an Open Access Policy, approved Feb. 11, and the University Faculty Senate passed an Open Access resolution on April 28. openaccessbuttons

Finally, for those who would like them, “Ask Me about Open Access” buttons are now available by request from the Libraries’ Public Relations and Marketing office, to encourage faculty, staff, students, and other visitors to inquire about Open Access at Penn State and the Libraries.

Future events are already under discussion by the Libraries’ Open Educational Resources Task Force.