by Ryan Johnson, technology training coordinator
Penn State recently signed a three-year extension to provide Box at Penn State through September, 2018. Another big Box announcement is now personal accounts have unlimited storage. Below is an announcement about the changes from ITS:
“As of 26 October 2015, all Box at Penn State accounts have had their quotas lifted and now have unlimited storage capacity. Any new accounts created from this date forward will also receive unlimited storage. Why? Because you asked for it. This change will increase the Box service’s value to Penn State users and remove any hesitation to using Box because of storage limits. From storing video or image files to replacing local file storage to keeping large amounts of research data secure, Box provides value at scale for the Penn State community. This enhancement is possible because of Penn State’s involvement in the Internet2 Net+ Initiative. Unlimited storage has been a feature requested at Penn State focus groups, as well as by other higher education customers of Box. The Internet2 Box Higher Ed. Advisory Board was able to leverage these voices by negotiating unlimited storage into the new contract that Penn State recently signed.
• The individual file size limit remains at 15GB
• Non-Person Accounts (NPA) already have had their quotas lifted
• We still encourage the use of Non-Person Accounts for groups, units, and teams to avoid folder ownership or access issues when there are personnel changes. Please check out the NPA page for more information and instructions on how to request a Non-Person Account for your group.”
Next week’s Tech Tip will discuss changes being rolled out to the Box Web interface.