Diversity Residents’ rotations through Library Learning Services

Library Learning Services (LLS) is thrilled to be hosting both of the University Libraries Diversity Residents over the 2016-17 academic year. Alia Gant will be rotating through LLS during Fall 2016 and Jose Guerrero will be rotating through the department in Spring 2017. Both residents will be undertaking collaborative projects with other departments and other library colleagues,
so we wanted to take a moment to share the work plan, goals, and projects for Jose and Alia during their time in LLS.

We will share Jose’s LLS rotation work plan in January 2017, when he joins the department. Alia’s work plan is outlined below. We invite comments, suggestions, feedback, and collaborators for any and all of these projects!

  • Learning about and contributing to the teaching and learning mission of Penn State University Libraries, including: Participating in an instruction training program; Teaching at least 5 sections of ENG 015; Working with Dawn Amsberry and Glenn Masuchika to observe, and possibly teach, sections of ESL courses; Collaborating with Dawn on programming for International Education Week and connect this work to the Diversity Committee’s work; Observing classes developed for student-athletes (SAIL); Observing LLS colleagues teach ENG 015, CAS 100, and other courses, and providing insights on current teaching strategies; Contributing to the LLS assessment pilot.
  • Assisting with the development of documentation relating to our Canvas integration project, including: Working with Amanda Clossen to build expertise around Canvas and the Springshare LTI; Developing training documentation for Canvas for our Libraries colleagues; Considering communication strategies surrounding Canvas and LibGuides for our Libraries
  • Helping sculpt PSU Libraries citation management support program , including: Building expertise in EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero; Teaching workshops on EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero; Conducting one-on-one consultations on EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero; Helping build subject-based citation management expertise and contribute to the evolution of this system for connecting users with knowledgeable subject experts in the Libraries
  • Contributing to the Libraries’ outreach efforts, including: Collaborating with Megan Gilpin on DeStress Fest activities; Participating in Library Pride; Collaborating with Megan Gilpin, the Diversity Committee, and other relevant groups on the Human Library project; Working
    with Megan Gilpin to identify further areas of contribution to outreach; Working with Megan Gilpin to start to devise an assessment plan for Libraries’ outreach activities.
  • Collaborate with Jose Guerrero to coordinate the Larry Kramer exhibit in conjunction with the Commission on LGBTQE Commission Reads project
  • Working with Open House Committee on debriefing and planning for 2017
  • Exploring digital badges with Emily Rimland and Torrie Raish
  • Participate in professional mentoring with Rebecca Miller in the following areas:
    Teaching, learning, and information literacy, including shared readings, watching webinars together, and participating in other conversations; Professional involvement, including PaLA, ALA, and other areas of professional service and networking; working toward a goal of developing a presentation proposal or draft of a paper by the end of the semester
  • Bring an element of inclusivity to PSU Libraries’ research consultation requests and Ask a Librarian service, including: Working with Tom Reinsfelder, Glenn Masuchika, and other individuals on reviewing and revising policies and procedures; Considering how Zoom and other technology tools can help enhance research consultation services; Helping connect these areas of situated learning to the overall teaching and learning program at PSU Libraries

– submitted by Rebecca Miller, Library Learning Services