Daily Archives: November 14, 2016

Volunteers needed to help advance strategic plan

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee is seeking volunteers for two groups. The first will help to develop the Academic Year (AY) 2017-18 Action Plan. The group will review the progress made on the AY 2016-17 plan, review ideas gathered for new action items, and seek new ideas from our colleagues in a variety of venues, including online opportunities for brainstorming. The group will be charged in early December and their work will commence in January.

A few colleagues are also sought to help with a regular blog series on the strategic plan. We are seeking interest from colleagues with in an interest in writing short articles for the University Libraries news blog. Each article will describe new developments in our profession as well as the ways in which the University Libraries is contributing to them locally and nationally through the Strategic Action Plan.

Anyone interested in serving in either capacity or in discussing either further can get in contact with Joe Salem at jsalem@psu.edu.

– submitted by Joe Salem, associate dean

GIS Day program highlights resources and experiential knowledge Nov. 14-15

An expanded GIS Day program for 2016 highlights geospatial information with two days of events Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 14-15, in the Pattee Library and Paterno Library. Keynote presentations, a career panel, information fair, “lightning talks” and a networking reception highlight this year’s program. Students, faculty, staff, and members of the community are encouraged to participate and learn more about the extensive resources available in GIS and related fields. The free program is co-sponsored by the University Libraries and the Department of Geography.

The complete events schedule of GIS Day activities at Penn State is available at sites.psu.edu/gisday.

The full article about GIS Day events and participants is available on Penn State News.

Library instruction room best practices

Need to schedule a space outside the library? Here are some tips on how to use CollegeNet. (If you’d like to schedule 302 Paterno or have any questions about how to use CollegeNet, contact Rebecca Peterson at rmr28@psu.edu).

Follow this link for full instructions on how to request a space on campus.

  1. Penn State students, staff, and faculty have access to CollegeNet. You can login using this link: https://25live.collgenet.com/psu/. After logging in for the first time, it will take two business days for your account to be verified and to gain access for your campus.
  2. Want to check if a specific space is available? Use the Search Locations bar in the Quick Search box. Type in the building name and press Go.
  3. To schedule a class, click on Create an Event and fill out the event information. To keep library classes consistent, here’s are some notes on a few of the fields you’ll need to fill out:


  1. Fill out “Event Name” and “Event Title Used for Published Calendars” using the same format as we do in UCS: “Class: Class Name – Instructor’s Last Name (Sec. #)” [Example – Class: ENGL 015 – Peterson (Sec. 001)].
  2. Select “Academic Support” for “Event Type.”
  3. Sponsoring Organization: Click on Search and type in “Libraries.” Select “Search” and then select “University Libraries.”


– submitted by Rebecca Peterson, Library Learning Services

Reminder: Libraries to host virtual accessibility conference Nov. 16-18

Members of the Penn State community are invited to attend a free live stream of the virtual accessibility conference, Accessing Higher Ground Virtual Conference 2016 hosted Nov. 16-18 at the University Libraries at the Pattee Library and Paterno Library, University Park.

AHG focuses on the implementation and benefits of:

  • Accessible media, Universal Design, and Assistive Technology in the university, business, and public setting
  • Legal and policy issues, including ADA and 508 compliance
  • The creation of accessible media and information resources, including web pages and library resources

For institutions of higher education, there is a strong focus on campus accommodation, universal design, and curriculum accessibility.

For more information, details about the streaming sessions, and to register, please visit the Accessibility at Penn State website at http://accessibility.psu.edu/2016/10/accessing-higher-ground-virtual-conference/.

– submitted by Binky Lush, I-Tech

“Hours and Locations” webpage update

The University Libraries’ “Hours and Locations” webpage recently received a small, but important update. The previous version displayed all of our libraries’ hours of operation for the current week on a single page. This necessitated scrolling to get to the Commonwealth Campus Libraries hours and locations information, and slower page load times than we would have liked. We have alleviated these concerns by splitting the page into two tabs—one for University Park locations and one for the Commonwealth Campus locations.

We are continuing to make iterative improvements to this and other areas of the site. Let us know what you think! Please submit your feedback at: https://libraries.psu.edu/website-feedback.

– submitted by Binky Lush, I-Tech

Open Enrollment for 2017 Benefits ends Nov. 18

The final day for open enrollment for 2017 Benefits for all full-time employees is Friday, Nov. 18! Please be sure to visit the Open Enrollment website for information about benefits offerings for next year. To complete the Open Enrollment process, go to ESSIC and click on the Benefits tab in the top right.

If you have questions about your benefits, please contact the Benefits department
at (814) 865-1473.

Testing the emergency management channel on signage

During the week of Thanksgiving, Monday-Wednesday, Nov. 21-23, I-Tech will be implementing the PSU Emergency Management Channel on all digital signs at all of the libraries. During testing, the test alert message will appear on the signs during different times in the day. We chose this time due to reduced foot traffic in the Libraries on those three days.

– submitted by Karen Schwentner, I-Tech

“Together is Better” video replay offers inspiring reflections

Best-selling author and TED talk sensation Simon Sinek is fascinated by the people who make the greatest impact in their organizations, and in the world. He has discovered some remarkable patterns in how they think, act and communicate, and the environments in which people operate at their natural best.

Watch this hour-long replay from Sinek’s recent talk at the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce to find out how more of us can go home from work feeling fulfilled by what we do, and inspired by what we can achieve with others.

View the video at this direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIkfdhGhxDc&feature=em-subs_digest.

– submitted by Carmen Gass, User Training Services

Green Tip: Recycling tips For winter weather

by Nicole Schwindenhammer for the University Libraries Green Team

Winter is coming and you know what that means…cold, harsh winds, snow and ice. With the upcoming change in the weather, the recyclables in your bins at home and the bins themselves can take quite a beating and could become unsafe for others. Winter weather doesn’t just affect recycling at home but also can affect recycling elsewhere, in particular at Penn State in University Park as well as the campuses across the Commonwealth.

There are a few helpful tips on how to keep your recyclables and the bins safe and out of
harms way when the weather deteriorates.

  • Being informed about what kind of weather you can expect in your area is key in preparing for the weekly recyclables pickup.
  • If the winds are forecasted to become strong and gusty, watch where you place your recycling bin so that it doesn’t get blown over, resulting in recyclables spilling out on sidewalks, streets and elsewhere.
  • A big snowstorm can make for a very challenging recycling pickup day. Be sure to make a clear path in the snow for the collectors to easily get to your bin. If the snow has already fallen, don’t place your bin on top of a snow bank or any other unsafe place.
  • Always be mindful that when the surface temperatures get to freezing or below and it’s wet outside, there’s always the risk of icy conditions. You certainly don’t want to be slipping and sliding all over the place when taking recyclables out.
  • If the weather gets bad enough, watch for any cancellations in your neighborhood with the recycling pickup crew.  If they decide to collect the recyclables on a different day, simply hold on to them and resist the temptation to throw them in the trashcan. This is also true at Penn State. If the pickup crew is unable to empty the bins on campus due to the weather, the recycling stations may become overloaded. Again, simply hang on to your recyclables and either place them in another bin or wait until they are emptied and there’s more room.

Just by taking a few precautionary measures during the winter with recycling, you can continue to do your part in protecting the environment in a safe manner.

For more information on recycling in Centre County, visit to http://centrecountyrecycles.org/. For any questions on recycling at Penn State, please visit http://sustainability.psu.edu/ or email them at recycle@psu.edu.


LHR News: Upcoming holidays

Information about upcoming holidays:

Thanksgiving Day:
The Thanksgiving holiday will be on Thursday, November 24. The University is also closed on Friday, November 25, and this day is considered an Official Campus Closure.

Human Resources Guideline HRG10, “Handling ‘Weather Day’ Absences or Official University Closedowns Due to Weather Conditions,” provides the needed guidance for staff and technical-service employees. Therefore, in general, the following will apply:

Employees who normally work Fridays and are not required to work, including wage payroll employees who are eligible for earned time, will receive pay for the day as if they had worked. Employees who had previously scheduled a vacation day or other paid time off will not have such time charged.

Full-time staff and technical-service employees whose regular day off falls on Thanksgiving Friday will receive an additional day of equivalent time off to be scheduled at another time mutually agreeable to the employee and the supervisor. Although this represents an expansion of the benefit provided for in the guideline, it is in keeping with the intention of the provision of this unique benefit.

LHR Note: Full time employees who usually work Fridays should mark this time as “Official Campus Closure” in ESSIC. Employees whose normal day off is Friday will add the equivalent time in “Campus Closure Compensatory hours earned,” found on the Paid Time Off Earned page, during the submit process at the end of the month. Compensatory time balances must be used prior to vacation.

December 2016 Holidays:
This year, Dec. 25 will fall on a Sunday, as will Jan. 1, 2017. The official University holidays, therefore, will be Dec. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30; and Monday, Jan. 2.

University policies provide, however, that if a holiday falls on an employee’s regularly scheduled day off, the employee receives another day off with pay to be used at another time. Thus, employees who normally do not work Sundays will receive a compensatory day off for the December 25 holiday.

Friday, Dec. 23 is not a University holiday and offices ordinarily would be open that day. However, in order to provide a generally more desirable and efficient application of time off, University offices and operations, except for essential services, will be closed for this day as well. Therefore, the University will be closed from the end of normal operations on Thursday, Dec. 22, and will reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 3.

The compensatory day earned for the Sunday, Dec. 25 holiday will be used for the work absences on Dec. 23, since University offices and facilities will not be open. Dec. 23, however, will not be an official University holiday. Employees in essential services who qualify for compensatory days but who must work Dec.23 still will have their compensatory day off for use at a later time.

Note: Dickinson School of Law Libraries and George T. Harrell Library employees are provided with this information as employees of the University Libraries; however, day-to-day operational practices are guided by their respective Colleges. Dickinson and College of Medicine Library employees should speak to their immediate supervisor or local HR Representative for guidance, as necessary. Conditions of employment for Technical-service employees are further described in the “Agreement between The Pennsylvania State University and Teamsters Local Union No. 8.” Technical-service employees should refer to the Agreement for information related to the above topics. Staff employees who are less than 100% should follow the guidance of policy HR-88.

Penn State University Press annual holiday book sale Dec. 6

The Penn State University Press Annual Holiday Book Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6 in the Kern Building lobby, University Park. The one-day sale is open to the University community and the general public.

Visitors to the sale will receive a 30 percent discount on some of the Press’s newest titles, including Wood Hicks and Bark PeelersSerious NonsenseAliceheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Through the Looking GlassErnest Hemingway: A New Life, as well as classic Penn State University Press books such as Field Guide to Wild Mushrooms of Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic and many more. There will also be a $5 book table.

Shoppers can also purchase books through the Penn State Press website, using the code HS2016 for 25 percent off beginning Thursday, Dec. 1. The Press offers free shipping to on-campus addresses; regular shipping charges apply everywhere else. For information on any of Penn State University Press’s titles, visit http://www.psupress.org or call 814-865-1327.

– submitted by Cate Fricke, Penn State University Press

Tech Tip: Searching in the new Box interface

by Ryan Johnson, I-Tech

screenshot of new search feature in Box interface

Searching for files and folders is faster in the new Box interface. Advanced keyword search functionality and Metadata searching are now available on all pages, and not just through advanced search.

To use the advanced search, simply select the dropdown arrow located in the Box search window on any page and select the criteria you want to filter on.

You can search by file type, date uploaded, owners and finally search only in the folder in which you are located.

LHR News: Nov. 14

Please join us in welcoming the following new hires:

Joni Barnoff, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
James Campbell, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
Carolyn Cole, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
P. Kieran Etienne, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
Daniel Coughlin, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
Nicole Gampe, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
Justin Patterson, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
Michael Tribone, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development
Adam Wead, Digital Scholarship and Repository Development

Internal Moves:
Billie Walker, transfer from Worthington Scranton to Great Valley

Wishing the following employees well as they leave us:
Christine Altland – Penn State Harrisburg

Events: Nov. 14

Fall 2016

Through Friday, Dec. 2: “Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature” exhibit, Penn State Hazleton Library, Hazleton.

Through Wednesday, Nov. 30: “Penn State Wilkes-Barre, 100 Years: 1916-2016” exhibit,
8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday, Friedman Gallery, Academic Commons, Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus, Lehman.

Through Friday, Dec. 16: “Expanding Horizons: Penn Staters in the Olympics” exhibit, Special Collections Library, 104 Paterno Library, University Park.

Through Friday, Dec. 16: “Japanimation: Exploring Anime” exhibit, Sidewater Commons and central entrance, Pattee Library, University Park.

Through Friday, Dec. 16: “From Gay-Related Immune Deficiency to AIDS: The Emergence of HIV in the 1980s” exhibit, second floor Pattee Library near entrance of Arts and Humanities Library, University Park.

Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 14-15: GIS Day events, Pattee Library and Paterno Library, University Park.

Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 14-15: GIS Day poster display, Pattee Library, Franklin Auditorium, University Park.

Monday, Nov. 14: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Keynote, presentation by Bill Brock, president and CEO of Straub Brewery, noon-1 p.m.., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and online at Zoom.

Monday, Nov. 14: GIS Day career panel, 3:15-5 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park, and on Mediasite Live.

Monday, Nov. 14: GIS Day information fair, 1-3 p.m., Leisure Reading Room, W101 Pattee Library, University Park.

Monday, Nov. 14: GIS Day networking reception, 5 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, Nov. 15: GIS Day lightning talks and keynote address, 10-10:30 a.m., keynote address: “Protecting the world’s forests with GFW fires,” by speakers Stephen Ansari and Christopher Grabris of Blue Raster; 10:30-11 a.m., GeoHive, DigitalGlobe’s crowdsourcing platform, presented by James Wilson; 11 a.m.-noon, GIS Day lightning talks, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, Nov. 15: GIS Day lightning talks, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and Mediasite Live.

Tuesday, Nov. 15: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Intellectual Property Information and Patent Prior Art Searching, presentation by John Meier, 3-4 p.m., 211A Pattee Library, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: “Why Didn’t I Learn about Native American History in School?” International Education Week presentation sponsored by ICIK, featuring speakers Sarah Shear and Madison Miller, 10 a.m.-noon, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Keynote, presentation by Jayme Goldberg, CEO and co-founder of SilverLine Athletics, 1:30-2:30 p.m.., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and online at Zoom.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Springshare Electronic Reserves Training for Campus E-Res Liaisons, Chris Holobar and Nicolle Nicastro demonstrate new system, 3-4 p.m., Adobe Connect.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Perspectives, panel discussion hosted by business leaders and educators, 3-4 p.m.., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Technical Reports and Government Information for Inventors, presentation by Angela Davis, 4:30-5:30 p.m., 329 Hammond Building, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: “Educating for Social Justice and Preservation of Mayan Culture, Language and Historical Memory,” International Education Week presentation co-sponsored by ICIK, featuring Juana Pérez Gómez, 5-6 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Space planning brown bag session, Libraries’ Space Steering Committee open discussion and Q & A, noon-1 p.m., 510A Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Springshare electronic reserves training for campus E-Res liaisons, demonstration by Chris Holobar and Nicolle Nicastro, 3 p.m., Adobe Connect.

Thursday, Nov. 17: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Keynote, presentation by Dan Deaver, vice president, Non-Clinical R&D, Alkermes, noon-1 p.m.., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and online at Zoom.

Thursday, Nov. 17: Team Library, 2-3:30 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 16: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Market Research, presentation by Kevin Harwell, 3-4 p.m., 302 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, Nov. 17: Ixcanul, free film screening and panel discussion, International Education Week presentation co-sponsored by ICIK, 7-9 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, Nov. 17: Global Entrepreneurship Week: Mapping Applications, presentation by Tara LaLonde, 4:30-5:30 p.m., 211A Pattee Library, University Park.

Friday, Nov. 18: “A Promise Unmet: The State of Higher Education for American Indian Youth,” International Education Week presentation co-sponsored by ICIK, featuring speakers Victoria Sanchez and Rasa Drane, 11 a.m.-noon., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Sunday-Saturday, Nov. 20-26: Thanksgiving holiday, no classes.

Saturday, Nov. 26: Huddle with the faculty, “Thou Didst Mold Us: Penn State Accomplishments Through the Decades: 1855-2016, presented by University Archivist Jackie Esposito, 8:30-10 a.m., Nittany Lion Inn, University Park.

Wednesday, Nov. 30: “Letters from Sana’a–How to Preserve Archives, Monuments, and Museums in Yemen,” Archaeological Institute of America Public Lecture, presented by Alexander Nagel of the Smithsonian Institute, 6 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Thursday, Dec. 1: University Libraries’ United Way Arts and Crafts Sale, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Sunday, Dec. 4: International Write-In, 8 p.m.-midnight, Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, Dec. 6: Penn State University Press Annual Holiday Book Sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Kern Building lobby, University Park.

Wednesday, Dec. 7: Meditation techniques lecture, 12:20-1:10 p.m., Hazleton Library, L-12, Hazleton.

Friday, Dec. 9: Last day of fall classes.

Sunday-Tuesday, Dec. 11-13: DeStress Fest, 3-8 p.m., University Park library locations.

Monday-Friday, Dec. 12-16: Final exams.

Wednesday, Dec. 14: Tech Update, by Libraries I-Tech staff, 1:30-2:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, and Mediasite Live.

Thursday, Dec. 15: Coffee with Carmen, with special guest Steven Herb speaking about storytelling, 1-2:30 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library.

Saturday, Dec. 17: Fall Commencement, University Park and several Commonwealth Campus locations.

Wednesday, Dec. 21: Space planning brown bag session, Libraries’ Space Steering Committee open discussion and Q & A, noon-1 p.m., 510A Paterno Library, University Park.


Spring 2017

Monday, Jan. 9: First day of spring classes.

Tuesday, Jan. 17: Dean’s Diversity Forum, with Dr. Moses Davis,1:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and Mediasite Live.

Thursday, Jan. 26: TEAM Library, 2-3:30 p.m., Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library & Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Monday, Jan. 30: Dean’sForum, 10 a.m., , Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park and Mediasite Live.

Wednesday, Feb. 15: Human Library, multiple locations at University Park.

Thursday, Feb. 23: TEAM Library, 2-3:30 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Sunday-Saturday, March 5-11: Spring break, no classes.

Thursday, March 23: TEAM Library, 2-3:30 p.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Friday, April 28: Last day of spring classes.

Sunday-Tuesday, April 30-May 2: DeStress Fest.

Monday-Friday, May 1-5: Final exams.

Friday-Sunday, May 5-7: Spring commencement weekend, most campuses.


Please submit event information to Public Relations and Marketing via the Library News submission form.