Giving Tuesday Nov. 29 supports Textbook Fund

Nittany Lion with text to promote Giving Tuesday on November 29

November 15 was National Philanthropy Day and we kicked off the beginning of our Giving Tuesday initiative with an event in the Franklin Atrium, where students showed their appreciation by signing thank you cards.

This was a great way to promote the Libraries, raise awareness of resources that are available to the students, and highlight the impact philanthropy has on their everyday lives. We received more than 1,500 signatures and they were thrilled to show their appreciation, in exchange for free coffee and cookies.

As you might be aware, the Textbook Fund here in the Libraries is really gaining some University-wide attention for its value to the Penn State student. This year, it was a finalist in the selection process for Senior Class Gift—a process that involved more than 150 applications and ours was selected for the final three. (and thanks to Chris Holobar, John Shank, and numerous others who helped us make the case for support that got us into the top three.) While we weren’t selected as the winner, we couldn’t have asked for better advertising for support. Access continues to be a priority of President Barron and Dean Dewey, and this particular event keeps the University Libraries at the forefront.

On Tuesday, Nov. 29, the official Giving Tuesday, we will once again have an event in the Atrium focused on student philanthropy.  We will also be attempting to match $20,000 in matching funds provided by Shipley Energy, the Penn State Press, and Barnes & Noble.

How can you help?

If you haven’t already, find the University Libraries on social media. The accounts are listed below.

The Libraries’ Giving Tuesday page is available to view and will be accepting gifts beginning at 18:55 on Monday, Nov. 28. Alternatively, you can support this initiative by sending a check directly to the Development Office, 510 Paterno Library, University Park.

Giving Tuesday is an online campaign and adding your voice will make a difference in our success. We encourage you to use the official hashtag when posting on social media: #PSUGivingTue

Instagram: psulibs
Facebook: Penn State University Libraries
Twitter: @psulibs

As always, thank you for your continued support and please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

– submitted by Nicki Hendrix, Development and Alumni Relations