Expanded library hours and services help students

promotions for Penn State University Libraries DeStress Fest and Late Night ServicesPenn State’s Pattee Library and Paterno Library have expanded hours and services Dec. 4-16 to help students with end-of-the-semester research and finals study needs. In addition, the Libraries is co-sponsoring later on-campus bus service Sundays through Wednesdays during the last week of fall classes and finals week with the Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology.

Detailed schedules for University Libraries locations at University Park and at Commonwealth Campus locations are available online.

DeStress Fest
Calming and restorative activities are planned for students each day during the Libraries’ annual end-of-semester “DeStress Fest” Sunday through Tuesday, Dec. 11-13 at University Park. In addition to games, yoga, art therapy and music breaks, coffee and snacks will be provided from 3-8 p.m. each day in 103 Paterno Library.

University Park branch library locations also will provide activities and snacks for students:

  • The Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library is providing origami projects and puzzles all day Sunday to Friday, Dec. 4-9, with snacks and drinks from 7-9 p.m. Sunday to Thursday, Dec. 4-8, and 3-5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9.
  • The Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library begins its extended hours on Sunday, Dec. 4. The EMS Library will offer puzzles and other study-break activities all day and apples and snacks while supplies last each day Sunday, Dec. 11, through Thursday, Dec. 15.
  • Students studying at the Engineering Library can bring their own cup for drinks and snacks from 6-7 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 11, and 10-11 a.m. and 6-7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 12, through Wednesday, Dec. 14.
  • The Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library will treat students to snacks and drinks Monday through Friday, Dec. 12-16, and have puzzles and other activities all day.

Extended CATA Loop bus service
Extended late-night CATA Loop bus service, courtesy of the University Libraries and the Office of the Vice Provost for Information Technology, runs through Saturday, Dec. 17. Blue and White Loop service will operate until 2:30 a.m. with a final Blue Loop (eastbound) pickup time of 2:15 a.m. daily at the Pattee Transit Center on Curtin Road. Sunday through Wednesday night service for the White Loop (westbound) will have a final pickup time of 2:21 a.m. at the Pattee Transit Center on Curtin Road. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, the White Loop schedule will maintain its regular service until 4 a.m. The detailed loop schedule for Sunday through Wednesday nights is available at http://catabus.com/Announcements/LateLoop.html.

Student overnight parking
A partnership between the Penn State Transportation Services and University Park Undergraduate Association will offer extended hours of student parking through Friday, Dec. 16. Many of the overnight parking restrictions for student permits will be waived and students with valid permits may park during overnight hours until 7:30 a.m. in lots or decks near library locations.

“Safe Walk” service available between dusk and dawn
Students, faculty, staff and visitors can also call the “Safe Walk” service at 814-865-9255 (865-WALK) to be accompanied to an on-campus location or home within a reasonable walking distance off campus between dusk and dawn. This service, offered by the University Police’s Auxiliary Police division, is available 365 days a year.