Jeff Toister, founder of Toister Performance Solutions, has been helping organizations through employee training, customer service surveys and helping clients develop customer-focused cultures for more than 20 years.
His article, “Why your team needs customer service refresher training,” begins with his initial appraisal of annual refresher training. He wrote, “Quite frankly, I used to think annual refresher training was worthless.”
Conducting these workshops was part of Toister’s job years ago when he was the Director of Training for Ace Parking, a parking management company. The training was a requirement written into the management contract for many of the company’s locations.
Toister quickly noticed something important. The parking managers who readily scheduled the training with him had higher customer service levels than the few managers who didn’t do the annual refresher.
Check out his article and accompanying materials and learn why you really need annual refresher training for your team, when you should do it, and how you can get it done.
– submitted by Carmen Gass, User Services Training