Call for proposals for Indigenous Knowledge Student Research Awards

graphic with multiple images to promote a call for proposals for indigenous knowledge research awards

Presented annually, the M.G. Whiting Indigenous Knowledge Research Awards fund research topics that focus on aspects of indigenous knowledge for an undergraduate capstone course or honors, master’s, or doctoral thesis. Proposals are now being accepted for the awards, with a maximum amount of $2,000 awarded per project. The deadline for proposals is Friday, March 3, and the requirements and additional details are available online.

The award program is an initiative of the University Libraries and the Interinstitutional Center for Indigenous Knowledge. Awards are funded by the Marjorie Grant Whiting Endowment for the Advancement of Indigenous Knowledge, created in 2008 with a gift from the California-based Marjorie Grant Whiting Center for Humanity, Arts, and the Environment. The center was established after Whiting’s death in 1995 as a way to preserve the scientific and humanistic legacy of a woman whose career as a nutritional anthropologist contributed to an understanding of the cultural interface between diet and health.

For more information on the M.G. Whiting Indigenous Knowledge Student Research Awards, contact Mark Mattson, global partnerships and outreach librarian, at 814-863-2480 or

An 8.5×11 poster with information about the M.G. Whiting Indigenous Knowledge Student Research Awards is available as a downloadable PDF here.