Daily Archives: February 1, 2017

Discovery Day frequently asked questions

Discovery Day 2017 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Discovery Day?
A. Discovery Day is a full day conference-style event created to increase understanding of University Libraries, the library profession, and the campus and community environment in which we work. Discovery Day 2017 is set for Thursday, June 1.

Q. Why Thursday?
A. Thursday was selected to accommodate the majority of employees’ schedules.

Q. Is Discovery Day intended only for full-time staff?
A. No, Discovery Day is intended for all library employees.

Q. Who can attend Discovery Day?
A. All libraries employees: faculty, staff, part-time staff and student employees. Supervisors are encouraged to promote Discovery Day and make arrangements for part-time employees to attend.

Q. I am from a different campus, may I attend Discovery Day?
Discovery Day is primarily for University Park employees; however, if employees from another campus want to attend they must get permission from their supervisor and arrange their own transportation.

Q. Will employees be paid for attending Discovery Day?
A. Yes, Discovery Day is a work event for faculty, staff, wage payroll, and student employees. All employees will be paid for their participation.

Q. Why can’t we close the library for part of the day to allow those who manage a circulation desk to be able to attend?
A. When the University is in session the Libraries will remain open to our students and faculty. Many service areas opt to use a skeleton staffing model so that personnel may take advantage of high-interest programs during days when low traffic is expected such as break weeks and summer session. There were only a couple of years when we closed the library for Discovery Day and those were intersession Fridays – and only a half day.

Q. Why is there no longer registration for each session?
A. Discovery Day is a conference-style event. Registration is for the overall event, not for specific sessions.

Q. Will there be food?
A. Refreshments are available throughout the day.

Q. Why are there work-related and non-work related sessions?
A. The combination of sessions encourages people to attend sessions of their interest, work-related or not.

Q. Can I present a session?
A. All library employees are welcome to present Discovery Day sessions. The proposal request for presenting sessions will be sent a few months prior to Discovery Day.

Q. Why should I present a session?
A. We encourage you to present to share your knowledge and expertise on a particular subject.

Q. Why were there technical issues in the past?
We apologize for technical issues. We will work extra hard this year to prevent such issues. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Carmen Gass (crg177@psu.edu or 814-867-2448) or Angel Peterson (anb149@psu.edu or 814-865-3702) in advance of your participation.

Q. Will session presentations be available after Discovery Day?
A. Yes, we will have links to session power points and other such documentation from presenters in Box and linked off of our webpage: tinyurl.com/discoveryday17. It would be ideal if employees could attend in person.

For more information, visit the Discovery Day staff site.

– submitted by Carmen Gass, Discovery Day co-sponsor