Penn State laureate discusses creative problem-solving April 13

Rebecca Strzelec, Penn State laureate and professor of visual arts at Penn State Altoona, will present “Art + Engineering = Creative Problem Solving” at 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, in Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library. The event is free and open to the campus and local community. Penn State University Libraries employees who are unable to attend in person may enjoy the presentation on Mediasite Live.

A Penn State faculty member since 2002, Strzelec has been using 3D printing technologies in her work since 1999 and will address 3D printing’s trajectory as well as the significant and meaningful advances in many fields, including health care, safety, architecture, and art and design. Strzelec’s presentation will also include her experiences as a co-principal investigator on a four-year, $2 million National Science Foundation grant focusing on multi-field responsive origami structures.

For more information on this event, or for questions about accommodations or the physical access provided, contact Jeff Knapp, Larry and Ellen Foster Communications Librarian, at 814-863-2480 or in advance of the presentation.

The complete Penn State News article may be read online. An 8.5×11 downloadable PDF is available for printing or for sharing with colleagues.